The Alleged Crimes of Joseph Wood Bennion and Lee Patricia Udall Bennion, Pt. I Through Page 58 of the Second Victims Statement
A Review
Joseph Wood Bennion and his wife Lee Patricia Udall Bennion of Spring City, Utah, have seen fit to try and file an ex parte Verified Petition for a Stalking Injunction against me, even though I have never followed, monitored, observed, photographed, surveilled, threatened, or communicated to the Bennions (the Respondents), nor have I interfered with their property directly, indirectly, or through a third party by any action, method, device, or means. I have never approached or confronted either of the Respondents, and I have never appeared at their workplace, contacted their employers or coworkers, nor have I appeared at their residence, nor have I entered property owned, leased, or occupied by the Respondents. I have never sent material by any means to the individual for the purpose of obtaining or disseminating information about or communicating with the individual to a member of the individual’s family or household, employer, coworker, friend, or associate of the individual. I have never placed an object on or delivered an object to property owned, leased, or occupied by the Respondents, or to the Respondents’ place of employment with the intent that the object be delivered to the Respondents. I have never used a computer, the Internet, text messaging or any other electronic means to commit an act that would fall within the course of conduct of the the statute as defined by 76-5-106.5, the Utah Stalking Statute.
In short, Joe and Lee take issue with my two years of reviewing the allegations against them made by multiple victims. They take issue with my coverage of those allegations on this Substack, and they have sought to abuse the legal process in order to squash any investigative journalism on the matter. Since I have anticipated and prepared for this moment for almost two years, I’m not at all worried.
Given that Joe Bennion identifies as as communist, openly espouses his support of gay marriage and gay rights in flagrant defiance of the doctrine of our Church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I am certainly not worried. For Joe and his wife, gay marriage and traditional marriage are equal-to crib from the liberal ideology that they adhere to, “Love is love.”
Love does not lie, and it does not rejoice in evil. Leviticus 18:22 classifies homosexuality-if you believe in elevating immoral choices to an entire identity or classification-as an abomination. God tells the Israelites that they are not to engage in any of the abominations listed in Leviticus 18, for the nations who resided in the land before them did so. Leviticus 18:29 makes God’s position clear on the abominations listed in the chapter:
For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.
If you love someone, you tell them the truth in order to save their soul, by condemning and rebuking sin. The plain language of Leviticus 18 places homosexuality in the same context as incest, child sacrifice, and bestiality. When Joe Bennion and other Latter Day Saints fly a pride flag on their lawns and storefronts, they are telling a detestable lie to the world: they are saying that homosexual conduct is not sin, in flagrant opposition to God’s Word. When those same Latter Day Saints take a moderated stance on sexual purity for heterosexuals, they are doing the same thing: they are saying that sexual activity outside of marriage is not sinful. They are lying, and anyone who believes them because of their priesthood authority and apparent good standing as Latter Day Saints is being misled to the point of damnation.
Leviticus 18 says that the Israelites are not to engage in abomination, and they are not to allow strangers within their lands to engage in those abominations. Leviticus 20 makes the consequences of such abominations clear: God will cut off that man or woman, and He commands that they be put to death. Leviticus 20 makes it abundantly clear that God classifies homosexuality, incest, bestiality, child sacrifice, and witchcraft and wizardry, and adultery, as abominations. Our covenant with Him as heirs through Christ obligates us to abstain from abomination.
Joe Bennion’s eldest daughter Zina is a self-professed tarot card reader, witch, and an occultist. He does not condemn his daughter for her apostasy and her embrace of demonic ideologies and practices. It is not love that drives Joe Bennion to abstain from rebuking his daughter; it is his own personal apostasy and embrace of satanic beliefs that classify sin as righteousness, denying any substantive difference between same sex marriage and traditional marriage, or witchcraft and the Gospel, for the purposes of eternal consequence. In Joe’s worldview, those who take up witchcraft and engage in homosexuality or adultery will not face any substantively different outcome in eternity than those who adhere to God’s commandments.
Joe has no fear of God. That much is evident in the public positions he takes in opposition to God’s commandments. It is obvious from his embrace of those positions even as he holds callings in the Restored Church of Jesus Christ, callings from which he can sow apostasy within the Church itself. The fact that Joe Bennion has not been disfellowshipped or excommunicated solely due to his public embrace of apostate positions is a damning indictment of the Church leadership in his ward and stake.
Joe and Lee Bennion are not content to simply contradict the doctrines of the Church they hold membership in; they seek to utilize the legal and ecclesiastical process to discourage and intimidate Latter Day Saints who condemn their apostate positions. One does not have to consider the criminal allegations made by the Hamblin sisters and others against Joe and Lee Bennion in order to make the case that their actions and positions merit excommunication; one simply has to look at the endorsement of sin they engage in in public statements and actions.
Joe is not worried about facing eternal consequences for his actions, any more than he is worried for the eternal consequences his children will face for rejecting God in order to pursue witchcraft and secularism. That is because Joe Bennion does not believe in such consequences. If he did, he would behave differently.
It is not enough for Joe Bennion to hold membership in a Church he does not believe in; he actively seeks to contradict that Church and its teachings in order to confuse others as to what it is to be a faithful Latter Day Saint. Joe Bennion has engaged in the use of peyote, a Schedule I controlled substance, in religious ceremonies that take place within sweat lodges. He has affiliated with the Native American Church of James Warren “Flaming Eagle” Mooney in the past, and according to multiple sources, Joe Bennion continues to conduct sweat lodges where the use of peyote takes place within a religious context.1 He and other like minded individuals have marketed peyote and Native American religion as a means of religious healing to scores of Latter Day Saints. I have talked to many of those Latter Day Saints, who have spoken of their entanglement in such ceremonies due to Joe Bennion and David Lee Hamblin.
The clear teachings of James Mooney’s Oklevueha Native American Church are presented below:
What that means for you is that you can make decisions about your life or the lives of your children, without fear of punishment or censure from ONAC, provided you honor our Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. These two documents are critical reading about how to honor, respect, and respond to others within the circles, and in your own life.
As an example, here is a list of things that are current hot-button topics that ONAC believes you can make your own choices:
Political affiliation
Gender association and LGBTQ rights.
Vaccinations or other medical decisions
The right to bear arms
Freedom to speak your opinion (however, this needs to be on your own personal page, not the Facebook groups)
Equality for all
And many more…
However, and this is an important topic to mention during these difficult times, everyone has the right to their own choices. We do not, however, have the right to criticize, condemn, scorn, or ridicule anyone for their choices. That would be against the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics. This freedom of choice must be respected.
One’s choice alone is sufficient validation within the ONAC framework. If you choose it, it is valid. No one can criticize or condemn you for your choices. No one can question those choices in the context of biblical teachings, because Oklevueha does not believe in the Bible as the Word of God, or the Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ. Oklevueha believes in personal choice as the sole arbiter of what is right or wrong, without any objective standard of truth above or outside of personal choice.
This is plainly in opposition to Christianity, which clearly says that it is wrong to choose sin. When a political affiliation necessitates endorsing or remaining neutral on abortion, the so-called right to engage in homosexual or heterosexual immorality, the notion that gender is a choice to be divorced from biological sex, the acceptance of vaccinations or medical therapies utilizing the byproducts of abortion, or an educational system that insists teachers can contradict and undermine the values of parents where children are concerned, that is completely contrary to what Christianity posits. There is no right to sin.
There is no right to classify sin or moral wrong as righteousness. There is not right to lie. There is no right to hold membership in a group, and then take positions or engage in conduct that is diametrically opposed to the rules of that group, but that is exactly what Joe and Lee Bennion have done for decades. It is exactly what many of the named members of the LDS Church of Satan within the Hamblin Victims Statements have done for decades. Joe and Lee Bennion and others have sought to turn the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints into Oklevueha Native American Church, where members can pick and choose the parts of the Bible or Church doctrine they believe and practice and discard anything they don’t like.
The tragic byproducts of such an approach are obvious: none of Joe Bennion’s children are faithful orthodox Latter Day Saints. David Lee Hamblin’s daughters have all left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Most of the adult children of those adults named in the Hamblin Victims Statements have done the same. Many of those children have grown up to openly identify as homosexual.
This is the price of tolerating apostasy within the Church; a generation of lost children who are not coming back to the Restored Gospel, whose view of that Gospel is warped beyond recovery by the apostasy of their parents and the indifference of a Church that failed to enforce its own rules and standards for members who clearly hate the Gospel, hate God, and hate the idea of an objective, scriptural standard of righteousness.
Those members deny the personhood of the unborn, and expect us to unquestioningly accept their insistence that a biological man is a woman. The Devil conducts a war on meaning before all else, in order to sow confusion about what is. His followers are known by their embrace of this cognitive dissonance and illogic.
For Joe and Lee Bennion and others like them, the insistence of orthodox Latter Day Saints that they follow the rules of the club, or that the Church enforce its own standards and rules uniformly and scripturally, is grounds for a legal injunction to deter and intimidate those who would condemn them for their alleged-and proven-apostate behavior. It is the basis for retaliation through Church discipline against those whose only crime is calling out Joe and Lee Bennion for their clear rejection of scriptural truth and their refusal to submit to the doctrines of the Church they hold membership in. Joe and Lee Bennion have been free to leave the Church they disagree with for decades; instead, they have stayed in that Church for the obvious purpose of undermining the Church from within and reforming it to embrace biblically condemned behaviors and choices as normal and even healthy.
Joe Bennion’s callings within the Church were his launchpad to undermine and erode the Church, as Rachel Hamblin attests in her Victim Statement:
Joe ("The Punisher") loved to single me out and embarrass me and I was very shy in his classes. He would also ask me about things that he knew would give me feelings of humiliation, such as questions about sexual purity. Later, at the big Sunday dinners we frequently had with Redacted friends, he would often tell the other adults how I blushed or mumbled in his class and I would get teased and called a "prude."
While Joe Bennion allegedly embarrassed and humiliated Rachel Hamblin with questions about sexual purity, he also allegedly engaged in sexual sin with Rachel Hamblin’s mother Roselle:
Sometimes (especially when we lived in Spring City and my father was in Provo working) my mother liked to have everyone out of the house (in the outbuildings or field or at school) so she could have "visitors" (without our disgusted looks, she said). Sometimes she and Joe Bennion or other men and women who were in the group would have sex during the weekdays or nights.
The man who questioned Rachel Hamblin about sexual purity in church classes allegedly came to Rachel’s home for the purpose of engaging in adulterous sexual liaisons with her mother. According to Rachel Hamblin, her mother Roselle and other CS female members attended Church retreats, where they had lesbian sexual encounters:
Rosie often said she wanted to live in a nudist colony. She said she loved being naked around the house, and she often did so - even in front of windows. When we lived in Spring City, Joe would often come over after she had been walking around like that. She was sometimes fully or partially naked around our "clients” to try and entice them to do stuff with her and get more money, she said. Redacted attended many Women’s Retreats with other female members of the church (CS). Redacted would tease Redacted about going because Redacted and others reported that they had a lot of lesbian sexual encounters there.
Joe Bennion’s antics went much further, as Rachel Hamblin and her sisters were forced to confess their lack of dedication to Lucifer to their parents, and then punished accordingly:
Another time in Spring City in the summer I was punished after one of my "confessions" with Redacted (See page jj He and Joe Bennion (The Punisher) took me out to the barn. They gagged me and pushed me down on my back in the dirt and hay. They told me not to dare move a muscle. Redacted held a knife under my throat while Joe smeared honey over my face. It got in my eyes, nose, and mouth. He put some on my ears, too. It was very hot and there were lots of flies around our property. I was told that they would cut my bowels open if I dared to scream. Then they backed away and let flies land on me. I Just sobbed and tried to breathe through the honey dripping into my nose. I thought I was going to suffocate. Flies were landing on my lips and buzzing in my ears. I heard Joe and Redacted laughing on and off and talking. Finally they asked if I had had enough. I nodded yes. Joe made me say, "Please, Uncle Joe!" Then they wiped my face off with a cloth. Redacted told me to go out and wash my face in the pump and come back. When I came back they had their pants down. I was made to kneel and beg their forgiveness. As penance, they made me give them oral sex. They made me swallow their semen and say thank you before they let me go. Joe asked me if I had "seen a wolf? (He and Redacted would make that joke if you looked disheveled and/or terrified.]
They showed us photographs and printed pictures of horrific images. Some of these included: child pornography, children covered with bugs, children crying and being tortured, bound, and/or gagged, people with their heads cut off, people or animals disemboweled, people or animals with their throats slit, people with their organs cut out of them and displayed next to them, people "quartered,” animals being tortured, people skinned, unattached body parts, babies being mutilated, people defecating on other living or dead people, men urinating or ejaculating on children, animals eating dead people, animals licking or eating tortured but still living people, etc.
Rachel Hamblin was between seven and nine years of age during the abuse described above.
The atmosphere she describes within the Bennion household is one of extreme impropriety, completely inconsistent with the standard articulated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for adults and children: One night Redacted had dinner with the Bennion’s and Larsen’s at the Bennion’s house. I think there were a few more people there, too. The Schulte's might have been there. Joe and Lee kept talking about a movie they were excited to show after dinner and the adults made lots of sexual jokes. After dinner we all went into the living room and the kids sat on the floor. We also got to eat popcorn. They turned on the movie and it was a fantasy soft porn movie featuring "Fabio." I think there were a few scenarios on one tape, but one was of Fabio as a pirate king who "makes love" in a fancy tent to an unwilling woman they captured. The adults were very rowdy and called out explicit "directions" for Fabio. The adult women mocked the woman who was resisting Fabio and yelled out directions for her. They laughed through the whole thing and got very excited.
Frequency: We watched it one other time with the adults but they left the VHS in with the other tapes and we kids (us, Bennion’s, Larsen's, and others] would watch it once or twice a year and "make fun" of it.
In simple terms, the adults played a tape of softcore pornography depicting a rape for their children, and those children would watch the videotape once or twice a year. This was not isolated, and it was not infrequent. The culture in which the children of CS members grew up in was completely at odds with the rules of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and completely at odds with various criminal statutes:
Lee's sister’s sons, Redacted (also grandson’s of Redacted’s Redacted Nola - Carma’s sister), named their two snakes "David" and "Rosie" after Redacted. Joe Bennion, “The Punisher" of the Spring City group, is a potter. He used his kilns to burn any body parts or evidence left over from the murders. To frighten us, he frequently spoke about his kilns, how hot they would get, how no one could hear you inside once they were sealed, and insisted, with Lee, we only pronounce kiln as “kill." Joe was very aggressive and violent. Sometimes when we knocked on the Bennion’s door Joe would open it, lunge and roar at us, then laugh.234
Rachel Hamblin’s second Victims Statement goes much further, describing Joe Bennion’s alleged role in her Re-birth ceremony, where she was required to rededicate herself to Lucifer by making a sacrifice:
On the night of my "rebirth" ceremony, James Harmston brought a boy to our house. Redacted and James made me take him upstairs to my bedroom and "make him a man." James said something about how lucky the boy was to have Redacted inviting him to her room. The men laughed and Redacted clapped and rubbed his hands together. We went up to my room and talked briefly. He said his name was Redacted and was close to my age. I think his middle name was Redacted, or he had a brother named Redacted, or something like that. He was very sad looking and quiet. I was embarrassed and asked him if he really wanted to have sex and he said no. We talked for a while and then Redacted called and I messed up our clothes and hair before we left the room.
Redacted and James were waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. They asked him what it was like and were trying to look in his eyes. He kept his head down and said it was good. They laughed hard and Redacted slapped his leg. Some people started arriving for the ceremony. Redacted ordered me to get dressed and said to wear the pin Redacted had given me since she was coming.
When I went downstairs Redacted and James had dressed Redacted like "Jesus Christ.” He was naked and had a sheet around him, their crown of thorns, and tied hands. In the living room, people groped and touched his body and made him touch their private parts and cat called at him. Redacted made Redacted and I kneel on our hands and knees and put the yoke on us. Everyone chanted as Redacted prayed and whipped our backs and bottoms with a crop (a shorter horse-riding whip). Then two people sat on our backs and stuck fingers in my vagina. Everyone was chanting, laughing, and mocking us. Some people kicked Redacted in the side. Then, Redacted ordered them to lift the yoke and help me stand up. He said how faith in and obedience to Lucifer meant we never needed to feel pain, sorrow, or suffering. Redacted had a red and gold cord, that he said represented a chain, around his neck and also put it around mine. He tied it and prayed over me that I would strengthen the chain that bound me to Lucifer and to my family that night. He made me “covenant" with Lucifer and then Redacted covenant with me, while Joe held a knife to his throat.
Redacted said it was time to go outside and everyone put on their cloaks. I tried to communicate to Redacted through my eyes that I was trying to plan and find a way out for him. They walked to the barn on the property north of us. My Redacted hugged and whispered to me. The cross was on the ground (used by this group). They made Redacted lie down on the cross. He was shaking and looked at me again. Redacted put a gag in Redacted's mouth and Redacted and Joe nailed his hands, wrists, and feet (with a wedge under them) to the wood. Everyone else was just whispering and softly laughing in groups. Redacted cried and writhed around. I wanted to die instead.
They raised up the cross. People circled around the cross and started chanting and doing a group dance, kind of European in style. Redacted handed me his sword and ordered me to hold my left arm to the square and repeat after him. I was made to say I "commanded" a "part" of me to be “cut off’ from my "spirit" and "commanded" it be placed into Redacted's body. People held their arms up like a “Y" and praised Lucifer and trying to get "possessed." Redacted commanded me to push the sword into Redacted’s side. I froze. Redacted and Redacted seemed to sense something was wrong. They started hissing and spitting on me and pulling my head back with my hair. Redacted told me to obey him immediately and stop “shaming" Redacted and Redacted kicked me. He grabbed my hands and held the sword up, pointing it at Redacted's side. He hissed for me to do it and cursed at me. Everyone had started the "kill chant" in hushed voices ("Kill, kill, kill, kill...”). I pushed the sword through the skin in Redacted’s side. 1 dropped it and people jumped back. I fell down, sobbing. There were cries of outrage all around me. People started running forward and kicking and beating me and running back to the circle. Redacted kicked me in the stomach and said I was "pathetic" and an "f***ing bitch.” While I had done what they wanted, everyone plainly saw my heart was not in it and this fact had disgraced Redacted. They attacked Redacted and physically and sexually abused me (hit, kicked, put their fingers inside my vagina, urinated on me, defecated on me, sat on my face and moved around with their naked genitals) and also began having orgies everywhere. Redacted sodomized me where I lay and cursed and spanked me for a long time.
At some point they said it was time to go to the "kill" (kiln - Joe and Lee insisted it was pronounced without the "n."). Paul kicked me in the ribs to move and I crawled away from the cross. They took it down. Redacted came over and said she and Redacted were "horribly disappointed" in me. Redacted wouldn’t speak to me. I was told to get up and finish butchering the body. When I saw Redacted's body, I saw that people had torn his wound open with their hands and pulled out some of his organs so they hung outside his body. He had claw marks and blood smeared all over him. Redacted and had brought ziploc bags and held one open. She told me to cut off the butt cheeks. Redacted said he was too skinny for anything else. I held the knife they gave me for a minute, but then dropped it again. Redacted roared at me and Redacted said this whole thing was "disgraceful." Redacted butchered him, threw towels around him to soak up blood, and wrapped him in a tarp. I was made to follow Redacted and Joe with others as they carried Redacted to the road. We walked down to the back of Joe’s pottery shop. Joe had prepared one of the kiln’s ('‘kill’s”). Everyone whispered chants. I kept my head down until we left.
When we got back, Redacted and Redacted left for Provo and I was locked in the coffin trunk. Later, the trunk opened and Joe leaned over me grinning. He put a cloth over my mouth and nose. I woke up in the barn. I was tied and hanging upside down on the cross. My mouth was gagged and naked. They had tied my legs apart - one to each side of the cross. There were about six other men from the group present wearing cloaks and black masks that had slits for the eyes. I knew Redacted was one of them because of his whispering threats when he got dose. Joe was not wearing a mask. They chanted as they hit me, spit on me, and punched me in the stomach. Several times, Joe pulled back the gag from my mouth and, with a squirt bottle, filled my mouth with vinegar. It burned and ran through my sinuses. They lit matches and held them close to my eyes, saying they were going to set fire to my hair (head and pubic hair). They pulled the gag out and made me do oral sex on them, one after another, while they clawed me, bit me, or gripped me tightly on the vagina. They made me swallow their semen and pulled away to get it up my nose and in my eyes. Joe brought some instruments to push into my vagina and anus. Then he squirted vinegar on my cuts and on and inside my vagina.
I woke up naked in the empty coffin trunk with my hands and feet tied. I was cold and needed to urinate but I knew if I went Redacted would make me lick it all back up. After what seemed like hours, I heard voices. Redacted let me out and sent me to my room. They told me to use the antique "chamber pot” they kept under my bed and told me I was not allowed to come out of my room for anything. (I was not allowed to use the bathroom, get food, etc.) I went to my room and pushed the dresser in front of the door.
Rachel Hamblin was between 12 to 14 years of age when the murder described above occurred. She had no respite from the abuse, as it was a daily occurrence in her home, and virtually every milestone in her life was marred by yet another brutal instance of torture and sexual abuse:
Shortly after my first menstrual cycle, I received the Fertility ceremony. The ceremony is a blessing of one’s female organs. The night this was held Redacted "dolled us up," as she often said. Redacted held a dinner party first and Redacted made her special poppyseed cake. Redacted, Redacted, Redacted & Redacted Anderson, Nola and Clyde, Redacted and Redacted Renee, Susan and Craig, Joe and Lee, the Larsens, the Schultes, and others attended. I think my Redacted Sara (Lee’s sister, Nola’s daughter-in-law) came, too. When it was time for the ceremony, they moved the coffin trunk out into the room. I was told that "Tabitha" was to "come out." They made me undress and lay on the top of the coffin trunk. All the men took off their clothes. They blessed my organs through Lucifer’s priesthood and then I was told to hold my knees up against the sides of my chest. They each mounted the trunk and raped me vaginally for a short time. Then they stood around me and masturbated and tried to ejaculate at the same time. They all ejaculated all over my stomach and bowel area. Redacted tried to pick some up and drop it in my mouth. She, Redacted, Nola, Lee and some of the other women licked it off my stomach.
Frequency: Redacted and I received this ceremony occasionally. Men performed it for girls, women performed it for boys. Redacted also would do it to us when they wanted us to become pregnant.
At 13 to 14 years of age, shortly after her first menstrual cycle, Rachel Lee Hamblin was subjected to a ritualized sexual assault. She would be abused again shortly afterwards in a CS sealing ceremony:
Redacted held an adult party and Redacted and I stayed up and ate with everyone. The elders had some kind of long, doctrinal talk in the dining room that got a little heated sometimes. I sat on the couch in the TV room and was so tired I fell aslepp.
Redacted woke me up and told me to come upstairs. We went to my room and she told me to undress and left. She came back wearing a black dress and had another whitish dress that looked like a style of dress from the Victorian era. It had a high neck and a long skirt and many, many little buttons down the back. (After the ceremony, she kept this dress out for us to use as a “dress-up.” She said it had been hers as a young woman.) She brushed my hair and looked me over before we went back downstairs. The living room was filled with people in dark clothing and robes - Redacted and Redacted Anderson, Redacted and Redacted Renee, Mike and Rebecca Allen, Joe and Lee Bennion, Paul and Ann Larsen, Tom and Paul Schulte, Redacted Suki and Redacted Craig, David and Deborah Sheets, and others. The blinds were down and the room was lit by the Lucifer candelabra, one of the silver candelabras she got from "The Great Divide” (Hamblin family heirloom "divide”), and her pioneer Kerosene lamp. The alter (a pioneer trunk) that usually sat under their Joseph Smith portraits was pulled away from the wall. It had one of Redacted’s crocheted white doilies on the top and her antique “Tree of Life" hook rug was in front of it.
Redacted stood up and announced I was being sealed to him and Redacted tonight. They did a restrained version (for the Spring City group) of the Endowment ceremony. They made me play "Eve." Joe narrated, Mike Allen played God and whipped me, Redacted played Lucifer (as usual) and raped me vaginally, Paul played Cain and gave me oral sex and put his fingers in my vagina as he was being "born.” When it was over Joe stood behind me and used a large knife (making me hold it, too) to simulate slitting my throat and bowels if I were ever to speak of these things. I was shown gruesome pictures of teenagers and women who had been mutilated and killed by throat and bowel knife slitting. Some of the pictures were taken in the act of killing and so the victim was alive with wide eyes or looking like they were screaming. During the part about dedicating all you have and are to Lucifer, they made me stand and hold up my skirt while Redacted, Ann Larsen, Redacted (Carma), Lee, Rebecca Allen, Paul Schulte, Redacted Suki, Redacted Renee, and other women licked my vagina. I was taken through the (homemade) "veil" by Redacted and then made me get on all fours (others helped force me down) and he anally raped me and hit me. Then Redacted licked, bit, and rubbed my vagina roughly while people held me down (Ann Larsen, Rebecca Allen, Lee, and another person).
Then they turned the alter and had Redacted and myself kneel on one side and Redacted on the other. Joe was standing at the head as the officiator and Redacted and Redacted acted as witnesses. I held a hand of each Redacted and they held hands so we made "one eternal round." Joe spoke and we repeated the covenants that they said would bind me eternally to them as a wife. Then 1 had to give oral sex to both of them. Then everyone started to have an orgy. I was made to give both of my Redacted and Redacted oral sex. Redacted forced herself under me to give me oral sex while I was made to give it to Redacted. Redacted grabbed fistfuls of my hair while I gave him oral sex and forced his penis deep in my throat.
The CS was not content to restrict their activities to their private residences and private properties. Rachel Lee Hamblin alleged that the CS transported her and other children to the Manti Temple in 1996 for plural marriage sealings. The members of the CS were able to sneak into the temple after hours.
Redacted had been preparing with Joe Bennion and James Harmston (and others) for a "very special event.” We were all going to be sealed in marriage and they had gotten a way to do it in the LDS Manti Temple. Redacted was to be sealed to James Harmston and Redacted to Joe Bennion. Redacted were both very scared, and so was 1. Redacted said that 1 was getting sealed (as a wife) to he and Redacted again since they said it was such an extraordinary opportunity to "desecrate” one of Jehovah's temples.
The day or so before it happened they did a "cleansing” ceremony on us in the dark. Redacted gave us each something to carry out to the barn. They did the ceremony in the front area of the barn with flashlights. We took turns standing naked in their metal tub. Blood, sage ash, and oil were poured on us (we rubbed each into our skin as if they were soap) and Redacted said a blessing. As we finished Redacted wrapped an old towel around each of us and Redacted rinsed our feet off with a water bottle so we wouldn't leave bloody footprints across the grass. We ran as fast as we could to the kitchen door. We used the downstairs shower to clean up. After we were cleaned, Redacted raped each of us over the next few hours. He laughed with Redacted and said, "A dog always marks his territory!"
The next night or a few nights later we drove to the Manti Temple. We were all (Redacted, Redacted, Redacted, and I) dressed up in white with our hair curled. I was told not to wear underwear and that I was not to bring anything in with me because I might forget it. Redacted told Redacted to wear her betrothal ring that Joe had given her. Redacted carried a bag of things for us. The moon was very bright. They had made some elaborate plans to hide all of us showing up there - especially in the moonlight. We parked in a grassy area on the east or northeastern side of the temple and had to walk up a hill. We entered a door on the side of the main entrance. There were a lot of people with us - the Bennions, James Harmston and a few of his wives, some other adults, and many polygamist children, mostly girls. There were about 25 or so other people there besides the Bennions and us.
Some of the adults turned on flashlights and we followed them downstairs and then upstairs again. We went to the baptistery and some of the people were baptized, but Redacted and I were not. Redacted told Redacted "no” because she had taken so long to get us "ready.” Some people also did Initiatory ceremonies. We went upstairs into the endowment rooms. They did a CS endowment ceremony while we watched. I looked at the murals and tried to pretend I was far away in a beautiful castle or fairy tale. The moonlight from the windows in the blue room was very beautiful. We went through the veil to the celestial room and I was fondled by James Harmston, who officiated there. Redacted and Redacted made us follow them to the big sealing room and many people came to watch. Redacted and others brought cloths to cover the alters.
James raped Redacted on the alter while Redacted and James’ wife held Redacted in place. Then Redacted told Redacted to perform a song and dance she had prepared for Joe Bennion. It was about "Solomon," which was Joe’s CS name. Then Lee tied Redacted's arms behind her back and they put her on the alter. Joe and Lee were kneeling on either side of her and then Joe raped Redacted while Lee held her down. Then I knelt with Redacted and Redacted and was sealed to them. Afterward, I was put on the alter and raped by Redacted and then Redacted stuck her fingers in my vagina. I think Redacted "finished" Redacted by doing oral sex on him. Then we moved to the side of the room. James did a few more ceremonies. Some of the people who had come with us were in other sealing rooms and we watched some of their ceremonies, too.
After that some of us were taken upstairs to a hallway. James, the Bennions, my family, and some of the polygamists were there. As we were walking, Redacted whispered that we were going to the prophet’s room. They led us to a doorway and the adults went in first. It was a beautiful, elegant room. The ceiling was rounded. There were some chairs around the room and an alter. There was also a desk in the room. I wondered what kinds of things had been written at that desk. The adults formed a prayer circle to Lucifer and made us participate. Then my sisters and I were raped again. Redacted anally raped me. I was shaking from fear that this would be the final straw and Jesus would come down and destroy us.
Then we went back downstairs. Redacted made sure she had collected everything. We snuck out and down the hill to our cars and everyone drove home. Frequency: The other time we went to the temple we joined James Harmston and more polygamists. This time we did all the temple ordinances according to LDS practice. Redacted and other polygamist children and teenagers did LDS "Baptisms for the Dead." Redacted said they didn’t know about our Church (CS) and we were supposed to pretend to believe what they did. James brought 6-8 young women and after we went through the veil into the celestial room, they and Redacted and I were all raped by James, Redacted, Joe, and a few polygamist elders. Redacted raped me and another polygamist girl (that he ejaculated inside). The men sealed the polygamist girls to themselves.
The CS resorted to stealing temple name cards to use in their own ordinances and ceremonies:
Redacted came and woke us up a few hours after we had gone to bed. She laid my cloak on my bed (which she kept in her closet) and told me to hurry. I took off
my pajamas and put on my cloak in the dark (we were often made to do this ceremony naked and we weren’t allowed to turn on our bedroom lights). I went into Redacted room and whispered to them to hurry so we wouldn’t get in trouble. They took a long time, which made me very anxious. We got outside and joined everyone in the shadows by the inside fence under the trees. This night we were with Redacted, Joe and Lee Bennion, some friends of the Bennion’s who did the Grand Canyon stuff with them, Ann and Paul Larsen, Randall Lake and an artist friend of his, Dave and Deborah Sheets, Tom and Paula Schulte, James Harmston, and I think one of his senior wives was there. There were also a few people I kind of recognized, but did not know. They had four graves dug this night because of the big group. We were told to line up by Redacted. She held the LDS temple name cards she collected. When it was my turn, I walked up and gave my cloak to Joe who was the “witness” standing by. I lay down on the blanket they had laid in the dirt and they folded it over me. They threw a shovel-full of dirt over me (to signify burial). Redacted officiated and said the ceremonial words. When I watched others do this, he knelt on the ground and raised his left arm "to the square." When he was done, he took my hand and I lifted the blanket off me and he raised me up to standing position. Joe handed me my cloak and I put it around my shoulders and then Joe placed a black ball and scepter into my hands. I repeated some covenants (after Redacted) and then handed the objects back and got back in line to do it again with a different name.
When we were done, everyone came inside and Redacted served a huge pot of hot vegetable soup (the broth made from human bones Redacted kept in our freezer) and some bread from the breadmaker. Others brought more homemade bread and chips and salsa. Everything was done by candlelight. After the elders ate, they did a prayer circle and had an orgy. I was vaginally raped by Dave Sheets and anally raped by Randall Lake and his friend. I had to give oral sex to Deborah Sheets and Paula Schulte.
Frequency: This experience usually happened approx. 2 to 3 times a month and usually on very dark nights. In Provo, we would perform this in the living room or sometimes the basement. Since we spent a lot of time in Spring City during the summers, and because it was much more private, they liked to do this ceremony there. Sometimes Redacted and Redacted and other relatives and friends would drive down for them. If the weather permitted, we did it often at "The White Rock” or "Stone" in our pasture. From what I was told, Redacted had the rock positioned there sometime after he and Redacted first bought the property. For the ceremony, they dug a fairly shallow grave in the dirt radiating out from "the white rock.” If there were a lot of people, they would dig more (up to 4 - at true north, south, east, and west). All communication was done in a whisper and there were a few lookouts stationed to keep watch. They would make certain bird or animal calls if someone was coming.
Otherwise we would usually do it in "The House" (our Spring City house) and use the “Coffin Trunk” - a large, long antique trunk that Redacted had inherited from his family. The name came from his childhood and doing this same ceremony (and other torture) in it. (All Redacted's siblings called it “The Coffin Trunk," too.) A grown man could lie down inside it. They would take out all the blankets and we would do this ceremony inside the house, in the complete dark or with light from a single candle in the dining room or Redacted's kerosene lamp turned down low. We often did this with the same families and CS members. We also did this ceremony differently outside at times. They didn’t always have the blanket to lay on or you got into some type of "coffin” in the ground. Sometimes we did this ceremony on camping trips and at other locations, too.
For a long time they liked to start (sometimes end) this and other ceremonies with a big bonfire in our field. Joe and his friends would bring drums and sometimes a few other instruments. This ended after a while because a neighbor complained about the noise, etc. Once the police came and asked what was going on. Redacted tried to schmooze them but they put an end to the frequent fires.
As I mentioned, Redacted would "collect” (often steal] LDS temple name cards. For example, she would volunteer to do LDS temple work for people and then just keep the cards. She had packets and packets of them in her room - in her closet and on her dresser. She would also use the names she received from the Gathering ceremonies, famous people, etc. We were told the white rock was a symbol of a grave marker, a type of a “urim and thumim” (LDS term) or "seer stone," and also that the powers of hell would shoot up and down though the rock and all around us as we did the work. We did this ceremony so often that the grass never grew around the white rock. Redacted would chase our horses around the field by the rock the following day to pack the dirt and literally cover their tracks.
The CS ordinances included trafficking, rape, and murder as a matter of routine, if Rachel Hamblin was telling the truth:
Redacted held a Resurrection/ Triumph ceremony inside Redacted house one night. They were excited because all of Redacted's siblings and spouses would be there. The Bennion’s were coming, too. We got "The Coffin Trunk” ready and drew all the blinds. They were not having it outside, even though that is usually what we did in the summer. This ceremony was a special occasion with the family in town.
I snuck upstairs and stayed there until my Redacted called me. I knew they were bringing a polygamist boy for a sacrifice later and I wanted to stay away as long as I could. When I came in the room the boy was tied up naked in the corner. They started the first ceremony. Redacted had the stack of LDS Temple name cards and Redacted did the officiating. Redacted Steve acted as the "Witness.” When the names had been
done, they ended the ceremony and put a tarp on the floor and over the top of the Coffin Trunk. The adults acted very excited, and said so. They were sexually teasing and tickling each other during the setting up. I think Redacted had given the boy meds because they were also trying to talk to the boy and tease him but he wasn’t very coherent (Redacted usually handled administering the medication for ceremonies).
They gagged him and then they started skinning him in different places on his body. Then they started skinning his penis. He screamed out in pain and Redacted Steve put his hand over this mouth. They ordered Redacted to climb on top of him and "have sex" with him for a little while. Joe pulled her off and cut off the boy’s penis. He screamed harder. Redacted Steve, Redacted, and Joe kept teasing him about the pain. I kept averting my eyes and praying that they would end it. Joe tried to dig his eyes out with a knife and finally Redacted Steve slit his throat. Then they cut off his head.
They brought out the camera and made us pose with his body and body parts while they took lots of photos. Redacted kept handing people a towel to put under the head since it was still dripping. They tried to think of every way they could do this and "took turns” trying to pose in the "funniest” or "cleverest” ways and one-up each other. I tried to stay on the sidelines but they made everyone participate. They made me try to put the boy’s penis in my vagina and then in my mouth with Redacted on the other side and took pictures of both. They also made me hold up the head and kiss the boy's mouth. I am sure they took at least a whole roll of film of everyone’s poses. Redacted Craig’s crouched down so his head looked like it was attached to the neck of the boy’s body and got a lot of laughs from them. Redacted and Steve did posed an long time with the head in different places. Redacted lay down on the ground and acted like the head was giving her oral sex. Lee squatted down and pretended she had just pooped out the penis that was lying on the ground under her. Then all the adults started having an orgy on the floor. Redacted raped me and then I had to give Redacted and Redacted Suki oral sex.
Then they put the body on the kitchen table and started cutting it up and mutilating it. Redacted put some of the boy’s organs above the neck and the elders stood around and ate them. They made Redacted and I taste them, too. Then Redacted made me help her bag up body parts and flesh for people to take home. Redacted saved out some bones for her soup stock.
The Victims Statements make it clear that Joe and Lee Bennion were among the worst alleged offenders within the Church of Satan. The Bennions demonstrated no hesitation in their engagement with such behavior, and their alleged dedication was total:
Once during a "Gathering" ceremony at the Spring City cemetery (with Redacted, Joe and Lee Bennion, Ann and Paul Larsen, Brian Kershisnik, James and Linda Mooney, Carla Jimison, Alyssa Wolf; and others James had brought), Redacted said the spirit that would help them that night had requested he rape a woman. I was ordered to lie on the ground and pull up my dress. The ground was damp and cold and it came through my cloak. Redacted put his penis in my vagina while Joe Bennion and Paul Larsen put their hands on his’s head and "blessed" him to receive the certain spirit while he held his arms up in a "V." He said aloud that he accepted the spirit into his body. His eyes rolled back for a minute and then he began raping me violently and laughing. He spit in my face and grabbed at my breasts. He started giving information and locations of spirits in the cemetery around us who were waiting for us or hiding from us, while someone wrote it down. When he was done, Joe and Paul helped him up. I was pulled up to standing and expected to join the group without a word. Then everyone walked slowly and systematically through the cemetery in a line (shoulder to shoulder - but several feet apart), softly chanting prayers and praise to Lucifer. Redacted and his two assistants walked in the center of the line as we combed the cemetery. Redacted was still talking. He was walking strangely and moved in bizarre animal-like ways, clawing at the air and sniffing at times. If a car was coming, we would hear a bird or animal call from the lookout and everyone would fall to the ground until the car passed. As the graves were located and spirits
"summoned," we stood in a circle and other people in the group would then "accept" the spirits into them so they could be spoken to by all and rites and oaths performed. This night James Mooney "accepted" a male spirit and sodomized me over a grave as I held on to a tombstone. Brian "accepted" a spirit and he and Carla lay in the grass on their sides over a grave and gave oral sex to each other and everyone stood in a circle around them and masturbated.
Frequency: Cemetery "Gathering" ceremonies were usually done once or twice a month. This happened in cemeteries all over Utah County, Sanpete County, Juab County, and other counties in Utah. It also happened when our family went on camping trips with other CS elders.
The group was prepared to do anything the “spirits" would "request" or "require” before swearing their allegiance to Lucifer (as well as to this group or to a certain person in the group). Sometimes the gathered "spirits" would "request" sex acts with a woman, man, or child. A young child, usually one of Redacted, would be brought and left to sleep in the car until/or if they were needed. People in the group brought alcohol or cigarettes to be administered to the spirits before the oaths were made. Sometimes the "spirits" just wanted to physically fight with another person or beat a woman. Another person would be chosen and they would be permitted to fight within the prayer circle while the chanting or droning (very quietly) continued. Afterward, the two bodies would be "blessed." Redacted and others would tell me the people had been completely healed. Joe brought a small cage of rabbits because sometimes “spirits” would demand to mutilate and kill something living. They often said they wanted to taste the blood and flesh, too. After the "offering" to the “spirit,” the group would make the spirits swear oaths committing themselves to Lucifer and to them.
Redacted and the group were always on the look-out for pioneer or smaller town cemeteries. They also loved doing this ceremony at burial grounds. Once Redacted and Joe heard about some local man who had found an Indian burial site in the mountains around Spring City. They were very, very excited and made many attempts to find out the location, but the Forest Rangers had taken over the case. On vacation and other trips, Redacted would drive by pioneer or small town cemeteries and, if it was private enough, we would do a ceremony with just our family. Sometimes when I was young, we went at night to the big Provo cemetery with my Redacted to "visit" Redacted graves. We would go further in under the trees and Redacted would do shorter, smaller scale variations of this ceremony or just “commune” with the dead (we would do a sexual act on he and/or Redacted and others) and they would "speak" with the dead there.
This post will conclude here, 58 pages into the second Victim Statement of Rachel Lee Hamblin. Part Two will continue, and this series will continue until every single instance where Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin accused the Bennions of abuse and criminal conduct is presented. This is why Joseph Wood Bennion and his wife Lee Udall Bennion are attempting to abuse the legal process to prevent me or anyone else from presenting the allegations against them.
Joe Bennion is an active Latter Day Saint in Spring City with a current calling. He is in good standing with his bishopric and his stake presidency.
From pg. 56 of VS 2: Redacted and Redacted did some proselytizing for the Church〔CS) through his therapy practice, doing therapy on struggling children of group members, though the "Bible/Scripture Study” meetings they held, and other times. Redacted and Joe also volunteered with James Mooney who was working at the Gunnison Prison to teach the prisoners there. During that time, they often talked about their success in building "alliances" there with prisoners and employees.
Mason N. Sullivan (Sasha Kinens) and Andrew J. Sullivan (Kirsen Brady) are listed as Sara Henderson’s sons, and Sara married Roselle Hamblin’s cousin Noel Clyde Sullivan.
Lee and Sara’s brother Noel Addison Udall committed suicide as a freshman at BYU.