The Alleged Crimes of Joseph Wood Bennion and Lee Patricia Udall Bennion, Pt. II
From VS 2 pg. 60 to
Author’s Note: Yet again, I remind you, my readers-or, as the Bennion’s attorney and son-in-law Caleb Proulx terms you, my acolytes-not to directly harass or confront any alleged member of the LDS Church of Satan. Do not indirectly contact or harass any alleged member of the LDS Church of Satan. Doing so could be construed as stalking, and stalking is illegal. Do not commit two or more acts directed at any specific individual who is alleged to be a member of the LDS Church of Satan, such as following, monitoring, observing, photographing, surveilling, threatening, or communicating to or about an individual, or interfering with an individual’s property, or approaching or confronting an individual, appearing at their workplace or contacting their employer or coworker, appearing at their residence or contacting their neighbor, entering property owned leased, or occupied by the individual, or sending material by any means to the individual or for the purpose of obtaining or disseminating information about or communicating with the individual to a member of the individual’s family or household, employer, coworker, friend, or associate of the individual, placing an object or delivering an object to property owned, leased, or occupied by an individual, or to the individual’s place of employment with the intent that the object be delivered to the individual, or using a computer, the Internet, text messaging, or any other electronic means to commit an act that is a part of the course of conduct…UNLESS you have a legitimate business purpose for doing so, such as investigative journalism or satirical content. DO NOT DO ANY OF THESE THINGS WITHOUT A LEGITIMATE BUSINESS PURPOSE.
Joe and Lee Bennion are business owners and artists in Spring City, who stand accused of raping and murdering multiple children adults over a two decade period as members of the Church of Satan, a group of Latter Day Saints who believe themselves to be descended from royal premortal bloodlines, working within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to install Lucifer on the Throne of Jehovah, in order to defeat Jesus Christ, who they see as a usurper of Lucifer’s rightful place as God the Father’s heir. Their accusers claim that Joe and Lee Bennion enjoy outdoor ceremonies in Spring City, Utah, where they stand around in robes and masks as they torture and sacrifice children and adults. The Bennions also allegedly enjoyed home ceremonies at their former residence at 390 N 100 E in Spring City, Utah, right across from their neighbor David Lee Hamblin’s home at 95 E 400 S.
These ceremonies were largely inversions of Latter Day Saint temple ordinances, because the men and women of the Church of Satan had very little in the way of original ideas. Therefore, they plagiarized the temple ordinances of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to glorify Lucifer, in the hopes that they would obtain eternal glorification in Lucifer’s Kingdom, i.e. the Outer Darkness, where they would rule over their slaves, the followers of Jesus Christ. Delusions of grandeur aside, Joe and Lee Bennion eked out an existence as artists and owners of a pottery shop and a business making hand salves and other skin care items. Lee Bennion exhibited and sold her paintings over the years, and you can see her work at David Ericson Fine Art.
Over the years, Joe Bennion managed to entrench himself in the business and governance of Spring City, and under the guise of protecting Spring City’s Historical District, he allegedly advocated for zoning restrictions that kept growth to a minimum. Spring City was a small town of under 900 people, remote and secluded, ideal for the sorts of activities Joe and Lee Bennion engaged in with David Lee Hamblin and the other named members of the Church of Satan.
It was purportedly a town with an existing CS presence before David Lee Hamblin bought his second home at 95 E 400 S, with the main CS family consisting of the Allreds. Hamblin and Joseph Wood Bennion allegedly set up a second, competing CS council in their neighborhood, one where David Hamblin could innovate CS ordinances and practices away from the scrutiny of his father-in-law Richard Lloyd Anderson, an alleged member of the CS High Council in Provo, Utah. Anderson is described by his granddaughters Rachel, Eliza, and Katherine Hamblin as a traditionalist within the CS, who insisted on performing the ordinances according to the letter of CS law, whereas David Hamblin followed what he termed “the spirit of the law.”
Anderson and Hamblin butted heads, and so David Lee Hamblin purchased a second home in Spring City, Utah, where he would be free to practice his peculiar innovations of CS practice. He lived right across the street from Joseph Wood Bennion, who was married to Hamblin’s fourth cousin, Lee Patricia Udall. Lee’s sister Sara had married Noel Clyde Sullivan, the son of Hamblin’s uncle-in-law Clyde Everett Sullivan. Sara Sullivan, who would later become Sara Henderson, was allegedly a member and participant within CS activities.
Sara and Lee’s brother Noel Addison Udall shot himself with a .22 pistol while attending BYU. Noel had struggled with mental health issues after a trip to Europe, where he allegedly began using drugs and experimenting with sex.
David Lee Hamblin disdained the Allred CS council in Spring City, described Bobette Allred and her husband Shawn Lindow as “ritual abusers” and refusing to allow their children to attend classes with Bobette and Shawn. Hamblin and his wife Roselle Anderson-later Roselle Stevenson-considered the Allreds to be from an inferior bloodline, and therefore not worthy of subjecting their daughters to what the Hamblins considered mere “ritual abuse.”
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Y is a very sacred symbol to CS members. We were taught it is also extremely powerful. It represents a person raising their arms in a "V" shape, praying to Lucifer, and allowing and receiving into them Lucifer's personal spirit/the spirits that follow Lucifer. We were taught that this is a very "holy” act, since Lucifer and his spirits do not have a body like us. They said Lucifer richly rewarded his faithful followers who did this and the more "freely" you allowed him to enter, the more blessings you would receive. This stance and act was woven into their ceremonies and our daily life (i.e. when Redacted obtained "revelation” and "visions," on Joe Bennion’s dishware that we used daily, and more). They also used the "Y” symbol to threaten and terrorize us. For example, I would go to write in my journal and find the symbol on a piece of paper tucked at the end of my last entry, it would be scrawled out in the dirt in places where we played, they would draw it in blood on our chests or other places after ceremonial murder, etci).
Redacted and other elders taught us that masturbation is a powerful and important form of prayer to Lucifer. From a very early age, they taught us to do it and to praise him aloud or in our minds, especially as the feelings intensified and at orgasm. They said masturbation was a way to temporarily escape from this mortal life and commune with God (Lucifer).
In our rooms, we were supposed to pray at our bedroom “alters” (antique trunks) kneeling or standing with our arms in the “V." If we knelt at the side of our bed with our arms folded instead and were "caught,” Redacted would rape us or Redacted would sit on the bed with her pants and garments off and make us give her oral sex. Both of them would make us continue our prayer aloud.
When receiving a blessing (from a man or woman) we were usually required to "connect" ourselves to the elder or elders blessing us - mostly by giving them oral sex. They explained it created "a circle," a symbol of eternity, "one eternal round," etc. (See also # 41,43,45,50). Consecrated white handkerchiefs (or colored sometimes) were used with many of the blessings by elders - especially women. Redacted had many at her home and Redacted always carried one in his pocket. Redacted and I were given many as gifts or heirlooms. They also used consecrated oil at times (Redacted preferred to use oil over the handkerchiefs a lot).
□ Date: Fall 1993
Time: Evening
Location: Spring City House
As the first day of school approached, I was very, very nervous about beginning Redacted grade at Redacted Junior High (Redacted allowed me to go to 3 "core classes"). We had just moved more permanently down to "the House" in Spring City and I hardly knew anyone in my grade. The Bennion girls did not go to public school. I knew a few girls from attending the LDS Church in Spring City, but not well. I made the mistake of telling Redacted that I was scared and Redacted immediately went over to ask Joe Bennion to help him give me a blessing. Redacted drew the blinds and curtains in the front room (with the black floral carpet) and I was told to sit on a low chair Redacted set out while they got the "consecrated" oil. Redacted and Joe put some on my head, unzipped their pants and Joe told me to "suck [their] dicks” back and forth until the blessing was finished. They put their hands on my head and Redacted called me by my full name and gave me a blessing. He used lots of flowery language. He said they were drawing extra spirits (Lucifer’s spirit followers) around me to warn and protect me. Redacted said I would be blessed to easily deceive those people who would wish to destroy us. He also said that I would receive many spiritual gifts from Lucifer to be successful in my schooling and to develop to full maturity in his Church. When the blessing was done they both used their hands to masterbate and made me sit with my mouth open while they both ejaculated inside. Then I was made to swallow it. I tried not to show how badly 1 was fighting the urge to gag. I knew my Redacted would make me "pay" if I did not obey and Joe was "The Punisher" in the group. They left after that and Redacted, who had been standing to the side in the "Y" stance, sat down on the couch and made me lick her vagina until she orgasmed.
Frequency: Redacted would pray over and bless, curse, or consecrate us, other people, pets, or inanimate objects on a daily basis. I have received many, many "blessings” by men and women throughout my life in the Church (CS). I have received blessings from my Redacted and Redacted, both Redacted and Redacted, relatives on both sides, and many of Redacted and Redacted friends. I often received group blessings and had to give oral sex to every one of the group members in turn during the blessing.
They used oil that they had consecrated to Satan. Sometimes it was poured from a horn onto our heads.
Semen is viewed like "consecrated oil" for healing and it used in all manner of ways. When we were sick, we were given "healing blessings" by Redacted where we had to drink Redacted's semen or rub it into our skin where the "problem” was.
When they gave gifts or did trade, they would consecrate them or curse them (or do the same for us, if we were their “trade"), depending on their purpose.
Redacted was frequently (re) consecrating and dedicating us, our pets, our furniture and other inanimate objects and belongings, ceremonial objects, our house (or specific rooms), our land, our city, our country, our world, etc. to Lucifer.
All LDS garments are supposed to be blessed and consecrated to Satan before you wear them. Redacted bought my garments and bought and had LDS temple clothes made for me before I was married and consecrated them to Lucifer.
Redacted expected us to consecrate our own belongings and acts regularly. For example, our school books and supplies, handkerchiefs they would tell us to buy (from antique stores), antiques we purchased, my music books, etc. I struggled with stage fright (with the harp and other performances) and Redacted told me many times that 1 would not be afraid any more if I consecrated my practice sessions and performance to Lucifer.
We were taught that faith is everything. If you do not doubt you can work miracles in the name of Lucifer. Also, they said that putting hands on the head or body of someone, especially with the consecrated handkerchief or oil, is much more powerful than regular prayer. They said the crown of the head is where the spirits come in and out.
Redacted and Redacted would curse each other frequently. Redacted would curse Redacted, Lee Bennion, some of Redacted's female clients she didn’t like, some of Redacted’s male clients that he was attracted to but she was not, and others. She would often ask us what we were worried about and then use that to curse us - praying aloud that whatever we feared would be magnified.
Redacted and Redacted would pour blood into the soil of our garden in early spring to consecrate the ground to Satan and bless it to bring us abundance. One year, Redacted blessed our dying tree and by pouring blood around the base for the roots, he said.
Rachel Lee Hamblin would have been between 12 and 13 years of age when Joe Bennion and David Lee Hamblin orally sodomized her. Based on the context of her Victims Statement, the female who was present was likely Roselle Stevenson, Rachel Hamblin’s mother. Stevenson also committed sodomy on a child, a crime under 76-5-403.1.
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Redacted had long been interested in Native American everything when Joe Bennion introduced him to James "Flaming Eagle" Mooney and his following. (James was working with prisoners at the Gunnison Prison and invited Redacted and Joe to join him. They talked about how it was a great way to proselytize for the Church (CS).
Redacted often talked about how good-looking he (himself) was and how he had "the high cheekbones" like Native American people. Redacted and Redacted went through his genealogy to find Native American bloodlines. Redacted was devastated and angry when he found out that his only Native American ancestor had been born in the sixteen hundreds. However, Redacted said often he had been reincarnated many times and had been an "Indian” at least once, if not several times. He said he had received a vision in Timpanogas cave that he was the “Indian Brave" that had been the "lover” of the Indian girl from the legend (the same girl who’s outline can be seen lying on the top of Timpanogas). (He also said he was William Wallace [Braveheart], William the Conqueror [who we were told was his ancestor], and others and would make us all "reenact" stories about these people with him with sexual acts.)
When he became more obsessed with Native American ceremonies, his brother, Steve, was interested and became a student of his (though never his equal, as Redacted said and behaved).
Redacted loved to talk about the Inca and Mayan peoples and their human sacrificing practices. He also spoke often of shape-shifting and his own shapeshifting powers, which he accessed through prayer, he said. He was a black panther/ jaguar, he said. He told us that he could morph into a panther and go anywhere he wanted. He said he often did this at night. He kept an ornamental beaded panther head on his desk and used it in his home ceremonies. One of his "Indian" names had to do with this animal. He would also use this animal as the subject of his and Redacted’s "pretend” or “make believe” play with us. When he pretended to be a panther/jaguar, his behavior was often violent and scary, which Redacted seemed to really enjoy. We would often have to be "Indian princesses" that were attracted to/ attacked by a panther/jaguar who was really a shapeshifting "Indian Prince." Redacted really liked this one. Or she would be the “Indian princess” and we were jaguar cubs who had to "nurse” her breasts (and/or Redacted’s penis] and lick her vagina until she orgasmed. This was a variation of the "cats" we had to pretend to be so frequently.
Redacted sought the approval of James Mooney, but often mocked and disparaged him to us and his closer friends at home. He and Joe laughed and made gay jokes about his Indian name, "Flaming Eagle." They also made fun of James’ wife, Linda. They joked 64
about how Linda was "a fake" and wore foundation (makeup) and tanning lotion that was several shades darker than her real color. They said she also dyed her brown hair black. Redacted said James and Linda were both con artists and actors, but they respected and coveted the following and power they had.
When Redacted started getting into peyote, he taught us that it was so pure, it would never leave residue in us (like other drugs, he said). He found a verse in the Book of Mormon that he claimed talked about peyote - or "the medicine," as we were supposed to reverently call it. He used this verse to convince LDS clients and others into taking peyote. He said the more one took, the more cleansing it was - to body, mind, and spirit. He said the peyote facilitated "a broken heart and a contrite spirit,” essential for Redacted (and his clients) to acquire. He gave it to us at home and at ceremonies (he had more than one bag of it - dried). He also had a peyote plant for a while in his office in Provo and then Spring City.
Redacted desperately wanted the kind of power James had even though he had no direct Native American bloodline. After a while, he started talking at home about how he was going to abandon his clinical practice to become a "medicine man." He said he wanted to grow his hair out.
□ Date: 1st group peyote ceremony
Documented in paperwork from David & Roselle Hamblin Custody Trial Time: Evening to next morning
Location: Gunnison, Utah
During the custody trial, I was told by Redacted's attorney to write about my experience at a peyote ceremony. Redacted edited it once I was finished and I handed it in with her revisions. She changed it to say that I "blacked out" for much of the night, which was a lie. It was the decision of the Counsel that I be able to say certain, fairly mild, things about David, but no one else. James Mooney came to the court for my testimony, to threaten me and make sure that I said nothing inflammatory about him, Linda, the group and Council in Spring City, or other followers and activities of Mooney and others. He sat in the back and openly mocked me with exaggerated arm and head gestures and laughed at the particularly painful parts (to me) of my testimony. I was really surprised the judge did not throw him out as his laughing was audible and his behavior was obvious. Sometimes I got disapproving looks from Redacted, Redacted, Redacted, Redacted Suki, or others that would tell me I had said too much or was in danger of doing so.
The following was held back from the story per the High Counsel’s decision: The ceremony date was chosen per the lunar calendar. I had been brought by both parents to this peyote ceremony to "get over my problems with men." They said I had to learn to submit and eliminate all resistance. I had to have a "broken heart and contrite spirit." Redacted commanded me to eat and drink the peyote every single time it was offered to me. Because I was Redacted, he expected me to take the most of anyone. He said that Redacted would be monitoring me and that Linda Mooney would be conducting the first part of the ceremony and would report to him, too. He threatened me with torture if I did not obey him. I sat by Redacted much of the night and she did nothing to help me. She only took very a small amount of peyote. I ingested a large amount per my Redacted, Redacted, and Linda Mooney’s instructions. 1 became violently ill and began throwing it all up. Redacted would not touch me. Linda spoke to me for a long time, ridiculing me for my "dramatic" behavior. She asked Redacted what I needed to do to learn my place. Redacted told her that she made me eat my vomit when she "tried" this behavior at home. I had first vomited onto the bare dirt and then into a bowl. Linda commanded I eat it. She said 1 was disobeying my parents and trying not to take "the medicine." She said I had to eat it all. They made me get on all fours and start eating it off the ground and from the bowl. Sobbing, I tried but it just made me throw up more and I collapsed, shaking. Lynne Whitesides sat behind me with her legs and arms around me while my body shook - hugging me from behind. I knew she was getting sexual pleasure from it and I could do nothing about it. I finally got out the word "water.” They said no water would be given until midnight. They handed Lynne a cup of Peyote tea. I drank some and they laughed.
Later, James, Redacted, Joe, Paul and the other men entered the teepee. Linda moved and James sat on the center seat at the head of the teepee on the throne-type area they had set up. He was relentless and tried to make me "confess" that all my life I had sought to “beguile" men. That every single rape or like act, I myself (alone) was responsible for. I had "called it in to myself.” I had wanted it, they said, and I had summoned it to me - from the time I was a baby until now. I had to "own that truth," he said. Redacted would interject with many stories of where I had "played the victim." Everyone laughed and mocked me. I tried to respond, but much of the time I could not form the words. I was told this was happening to me because I wouldn’t "own this truth" and that if I was truly repentant and honest, all the vomiting and pain would stop and I would be healed instantly. Finally, when I wasn’t responding the way they wanted me to, they got angry. They said it was "time" and Redacted stood up and dragged me a little closer to James. James closed his eyes and held his arms up and began calling various spirits into him and to the group. The men began beating their drums and instruments and James began singing/ chanting. Redacted undid his belt buckle and said I had betrayed his trust, mocked his authority, and that I had resisted him too many times. Lynne and another woman undressed me while he ranted. He held his arms up in a “V" like James and called spirits into him. They he began raping me vaginally. As he was finished, I felt the urge to throw up again. I tried to stop it, but could not. It got on the blanket by me and in the dirt. Redacted spanked me hard on my bottom over and over. Then he grabbed the vomit and some dirt and forced it in my mouth and smeared it all over my face and spanked me violently again and again. Then he started praising Lucifer for his blessings and power and thanking him for showing me my place. They left me naked for what seemed like a long time. I kept my eyes closed, hoping they would forget about me. Then I was dressed again -1 do not know by whom. I was afraid to open my eyes and look conscious. They dragged me back to the blanket by Redacted and put a blanket on me. I slept until Redacted woke me to leave.
I was ordered to pay my respects to James and thank him for "helping me," as we passed through the kitchen where people were having breakfast. He was sitting on an arm chair in the walkway through the kitchen. I was too sick and weak to eat anything so I asked to go to our car and lie down. James came out to the car and said a few things to my Redacted before we left.
Redacted had been collecting arrowheads, photographic prints of Native Americans, and many Indian artifacts his whole life. He kept a glass display case on his desk in his Provo home office that contained many of his favorite pieces and things he used regularly for ceremonies. He had a very large obsidian arrowhead that looked like a butchering tool and he would threaten us with it and use it in ceremonies. My Redacted had two antique Indian dolls that she used in her voodoo stuff and said were gifts from a very important person. We were not allowed to touch them.
In this group peyote ceremony, David Lee Hamblin vaginally raped Rachel Lee Hamblin, who was over 14 at the time based on the court documents. As such, he committed rape, a crime under 76-5-402 of the Utah Criminal Code. Additionally, he forced Rachel Hamblin to ingest peyote, a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (CSA), 21 U.S.C. §§ 801-966. Under Utah Criminal Code 76-5-112.5, knowingly or intentionally causing a child or vulnerable adult to ingest a controlled substance is a third degree felony.
Every adult who was present in the peyote ceremony was and is arguably guilty under both statutes. James and Linda Mooney, David and Roselle Hamblin, Paul Larsen, Lynn Whitesides, anyone else who was present participated in the rape and forced drugging of Rachel Hamblin that night.
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He also took me "up the mountain" or to other Sanpete locations with James and Linda Mooney, Joe and Lee Bennion, and others to have peyote ceremonies. Sometimes they called me “Tabitha" or they would give me new "Indian" names. They often had a bonfire and made me dance around it for the Elders/ leaders. On the alter, they used body parts (a lot of eyes and feet/hoofs/ talons] of animals they had poached and marked the items on the alter with smears of blood. Once I saw an LDS Book of Mormon on the alter with a blood smear across the cover. They also used feathers, talons, and a beak of a bald eagle my Redacted had poached.
Redacted had many ceremonial artifacts he used in his ceremonies, including what I have already said, as well as his "rain stick," a woven "maze" that hung on the wall, dolls (my parents also had a black doll with white yarn hair for voodoo) and other things.
He also loved to butcher animals, even large deer, on Redacted kitchen table in Spring City. He would also show us, demonstrating on the deer, how easily he could slice us open, disembowel us, cut out our organs, cut out our tongues and eyes, mutilate our genitals, and so on. He used these organs, blood, and other parts (like eyeballs and feet, especially) on alters for ceremonies.
This is corroborated by David Lee Hamblin’s divorce and custody proceedings, where the court acknowledged that Hamblin’s prior arrests for poaching deer was connected to the use of the deer carcass in religious ceremonies. In 2003, a family court acknowledged by clear and convincing evidence that Rachel and Eliza Hamblin had been sexually abused by their father David Lee Hamblin, and that Hamblin had utilized poached deer in his religious ceremonies. That same court acknowledged that Hamblin had forced his daughters to ingest peyote in religious ceremonies, which was a crime under Utah Criminal Code 76-5-112.5. Hamblin was not prosecuted for these crimes. In 2012, when Hamblin was recorded apologizing to his daughter for raping her, he was not convicted of any crime when the Utah County Attorneys Office dismissed the charges against him without prejudice, claiming that they were unable to locate discovery documents to be turned over to the defense.
This ought to strain the credulity of the credulous, because a full 19 years before David Lee Hamblin’s 2022 arrest, it has been established in court proceedings that he had committed multiple felonies by sexually abusing his daughters and forcing them to ingest a controlled substance in his religious ceremonies. Those daughters were not questioned further by police, prosecutors, social workers, or anyone else. They were not subjected to full scope medical examinations to determine the extent of their alleged sexual abuse. Incredibly, the court in Hamblin’s divorce did not find his wife, Roselle Stevenson, culpable in the abuse. Stevenson was a homemaker who was present in the home where the abuse occurred, and she was present during the peyote ceremony. She was not arrested or prosecuted.
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Starting when we were very little, Redacted sold or traded us out as prostitutes. Redacted and his brother, Steve, used to laugh and call us each a “prom-a-tood” (phonetic spelling - instead of "prostitute." It was a joke I didn’t really understand, but I was told it had come from his family growing up). Some people we knew (usually family, friends, Church〔CS) members, or clients of my Redacted) and some were strangers.
During and after Redacted worked as a "Standard’s Counselor" at BYU, he started setting up his private counseling practice and he and Redacted began advertising to CS members and others that Redacted and I were available for a price. They would complain about how little BYU paid and how many bills they had with the two houses. They talked about the long list of things they wanted money for - remodeling/ adding on to the Spring City house, buying large animals, buying better cars, paying off student loans, buying other properties, adding to their emergency coin collection and preparations for "the last days," and more. People started calling Redacted and Redacted for appointments with us. Redacted referred to them as “clients" (our clients) or "suitors." Other CS friends of theirs that did trades for us were treated more casually.
This business of theirs continued in "The House" - what they and many called Redacted house in Spring City. Others, such as Redacted Steve and Joe Bennion, called our Spring City house "The Hen House." Sometimes they and others would call Redacted "Madam." This brought lots of laughs from other elders. They also called Redacted "Big-nose Redacted"
-a reference to a prostitute in a movie they liked. The also called us "The Redacted," "The Three Graces," "Ladies of the Night," and other group names.
The appointments were for all hours of the day and night. If needed, Redacted would contact the school and tell them we were "sick." Sometimes we prepared a bedroom for the appointment and sometimes they were held in Redacted's offices. There was a lot of paperwork with the contract Redacted required (the contract was mostly for strangers and aquaintances, although she seemed to have a file on everyone - even family members) and she kept it locked in their gray metal filing cabinet. Redacted had a file for each person and after a "session" was over, she would drill us on every detail and record it in the file. If she wanted more money from the person, she would come up with some ailment we were suffering from (sometimes it was real, sometimes not) and tell them it was from such-and-such a thing happening. Then she would bill them for more money or make them pay extra the next time.
Redacted nights and Redacted councils were also used to talk about upcoming appointments with these paying "clients/suitors" and what they wanted. Redacted talked about how important it was that we fulfill each person's "fantasies." They would tell us to act a certain way with each one, such as being "the seductress," acting frightened and helpless, wearing a blindfold and/or being gagged and tied up, acting like an animal, pretending to be asleep for the whole thing, etc. Sometimes we were supposed to play "babies" and Redacted would make us a cloth diaper and give us a binky. She would wrap us up in a big blanket on top of the bed like a baby for when the client came in. We all had kilts and she would dress us up like Catholic school girls with frilly underwear. Sometimes we wore lingerie and she put lots of makeup and perfume on us. Often Redacted would go to Redacted with an idea and she would search in her costumes and put together an outfit for us. Sometimes we were drugged upon request, which I was told they paid extra for. Redacted would give us the pill or pills and some water. Sometimes we just had to wear a bag over our head the whole time.
Sometimes the clients were violent with us. Redacted permitted it for a price. If we had any extra bruising or visible signs of trauma (or complained of something more serious) above what was agreed beforehand, it was in their contract that they would be charged extra. Redacted and Redacted would NOT allow us to be anything but "gracious," as they said, with the clients - especially after they hurt or tortured us.
Sometimes we were made to sing some of our performance songs. Sometimes the clients wanted to watch a sexual "performance" - between Redacted or with one or both Redacted (some people really liked to watch Redacted). Some people liked watching Redacted nurse us or us "play cats" with Redacted. Sometimes they requested pets to be involved. Redacted also got more money by offering to cook meals and deliver them on trays outside our door. Or she would run errands for a "client" if they were staying for a weekend, for instance. Redacted charged for each of these "extras."
Joe Bennion, Steven Hamblin, and others knew that David and Roselle Hamblin were prostituting their daughters out of their residence in Spring City. The Hamblins committed Aggravated exploitation of prostitution, a crime under Utah Criminal Code 76-10-1306. The Hamblins also committed Human trafficking for sexual exploitation, a crime under Utah Criminal Code 76-5-308.1. Depending on Rachel’s age at the time of the offenses, the Hamblins also committed Human trafficking of a child, a violation of Utah Criminal Code 76-5-308.5. It would not have been difficult for prosecutors to charge these crimes in 2012, but they did not. In fact, the prosecution in 2012 failed to charge Roselle Stevenson at all, despite her alleged participation in all of the crimes committed by her ex-husband David Lee Hamblin.
Joseph Wood and Lee Patricia Bennion were named accomplices of David and Roselle Hamblin in the 2012 Victims Statements, and they were not arrested or charged. The Hamblins committed thousands of criminal acts over the course of their daughters’ childhoods, ranging from rape of a child to murder, and the prosecution restricted their efforts to a mere 18 criminal counts against David Lee Hamblin. The Bennions are the second most frequently named couple in the Hamblin Victims Statements after David and Roselle Hamblin, yet they were never arrested and charged by prosecutors in 2012.
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Redacted was "a Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist/’ as Redacted trained us to recite to people. Redacted’s Redacted, Clyde Sullivan (also a psychologist), got Redacted a job at BYU as a Standard’s Counselor at Helaman Halls. Redacted later rented an office at "Jamestown" (a business plaza) in Provo before renovating Redacted living room in the Provo house to become his home office.
When we lived in Provo during and after the Spring City renovation, we had to be extremely quiet unless we were brought in to participate in a therapy session or the "client” was really for us. The upstairs was divided into two sections by the front door and hallway. The hall was turned into a small waiting room with a bench. If the client was for Redacted and you heard the door open (even if he was going to bring you in on the session), you were forbidden to walk through the waiting room until he brought them in his office. If you had been told a client was coming for you, you also had to wait for Redacted to greet them, but would often accompany them (unless they had posed or staged you in some "fantasy" scene in the assigned room]. Sometimes, we were sent through on purpose by Redacted or Redacted to "advertise" ourselves. Redacted would sometimes pick some clothing for us (usually dress-ups, a “cute" outfit, or a swimsuit o»r leotard) and make us walk slowly through, smiling or stop and introduce ourselves with a lot of flirtatious behavior and touching.
There was not real privacy in any of the rooms of the Provo house. There were locks on most doors that Redacted and Redacted could pick and we learned at a young age how to "pick” them quickly with a bobby pin. Redacted and Redacted kept bobby pins on the top of the door moldings and we also taught ourselves how to climb up hallway walls with our hands and feet on both sides to retrieve the pins. (Once and a while I would use this skill and be successful in hiding from Redacted, if I got high enough and pressed myself into a corner and held my breath. Once they walked under me down the hallway and into a room, I would crawl down and run to hide somewhere else. Redacted did this, too.) One could also pull out a drawer in the upstairs full bathroom, so that if the lock were picked, you were still kind-of secure. The only problem was that you could still open it enough to see the person inside by way of the large mirror reflection.
From as early as I can remember, Redacted trained me (and Redacted) that when they called me a certain name, I was to act in a certain way. They called this name and behavior combo “parts." One of the names Redacted called me was "Tabitha.” Redacted picked that name for me as a joke for a few reasons. Of the books she read to me as a young child, Beatrix Potter stories were frequent. “Tabitha Twitchet” is a cat, the Redacted of very naughty kittens and Tabitha is constantly distressed by their disobedience. Sometimes she also called me "Tabby Cat" or "Tabby Kitten” as a nickname of "Tabitha." (She said it was because I had Redacted, and later pubic hair of the same color.) The name was "funny” because 1) I was Redacted and "Peacemaker" (authority figure to Redacted) and 2) my Redacted trained me sexually to act like a cat. Redacted also reminded me sometimes that Tabitha was the name of the little blonde witch daughter in "Bewitched." Redacted had given me, as "Tabitha," geisha/"Stepford wife" training from as young as I can remember. I was always supposed to imagine I was wearing a beautiful long dress with perfect makeup and hair - like a model, Redacted would say. I was never, ever to resist, argue, or be "in any way unpleasant," Redacted would say. I was supposed to act like everything, no matter how painful or debased, was pleasurable and wonderful. As a teenager, my Redacted would make me read 1940s and 50s books for women on taking care of one's husband and never having a complaining thought. I was supposed to embody that perfect, submissive, affectionate wife to both of them - and also "have sex” with whomever they told me to in whatever attitude they told me to. Whenever they called me Tabitha I was to behave as though I enjoyed all sexual experiences, even the violent ones (they said to the "truly faithful" - CS - pain equals pleasure), and to be completely uninhibited. As Tabitha, I was to call Redacted "David" or “Master" and Redacted “Roselle" (and sometimes "Mistress"). I was supposed to see them as sexual partners and my masters. I was to be seductive, charming, graceful, confident, and fully obedient and loyal. Other family and Church (CS) members and friends of Redacted called me Tabitha, too. Redacted would sometimes say, "Tabitha, arise!” (a line from the New Testament) to cue me to start behaving like this and everyone would laugh. I was trained to put on sexual performances, to which the audience (large and small) would all clap and become aroused. They allowed me to be shy sometimes when they called me "Redacted" (and frequently teased me as Redacted for being a "prude" - Joe Bennion, Redacted, and Redacted Steve especially called me that a lot), but if I was shy when they called me “Tabitha" I was
mercilessly tortured and terrorized. However, sometimes I would forget or I would become too scared or shy or resist during a time when I was supposed to be Tabitha. It was not always a "clean" process, hence the threats. When I, as Tabitha, was doing what Redacted wanted she called me her “treasure" and was often (briefly] affectionate in a Redacted way that we rarely knew otherwise. When I gave her oral sex "really well" she would also later (not as often "in the moment") say I was her "treasure." Redacted also used that term with me, too.
Other names were assigned to us to be used as cues for us to behave in a certain way. Sometimes they used common popular names, Roman or Greek names from mythology (Redacted called himself "Zeus." They called me "Venus" or "Aphrodite.” They called Redacted "Diana." They called Redacted "Helen" [for Helen of Troy] and "Medusa" because she would fight him [off] a lot and because, they joked, "she turns men to stone" - implying an erection), astronomy names, elements of nature names ("Windy"), jem stones and jewel names (“Ruby"), Native American names ("Silent Fawn," "Many Goats"), other names from history (although my Redacted used historic names for himself [i.e. William Wallace] and said he actually was those people in previous lives), and other sources.
Redacted told us that they could put "parts" of them into us, "parts" of animals into them or us and vice versa, and other transfers. They also said they could "cut off parts" of us permanently. Sometimes Redacted would take his large obsidian arrowhead and scrape it along our necks or other body parts and describe the process of manufacturing a "weapon": us - saying we were "weapons against God." He would say that flakes, like "parts," had to be cut off to shape this beautiful, powerful, sexual tool in the hand of Lucifer. He said it was inevitable to loose the "parts" of us that were not capable or helpful in “creating the sharp edge of the spear."
In Provo, Redacted developed a short video about some of his "theories" (many of which were simply CS practice) that was aired on KBYU in the early 1990s. It featured a person sitting in different chairs and “feeling" and expressing different emotions in each chair. Redacted would make us practice this routine in the downstairs Provo house bedroom a lot (the room without carpet) and "perform" it in front of his clients.
In addition to seeing struggling children of CS members in "therapy," another side business Redacted ran was "training" parents to create obedient, faithful (to Lucifer) children. I think they might have gotten the idea from Gordon Bowen. Sometimes one or both parents would come, sometimes they brought their child or children, sometimes they purchased "training" videos Redacted made with us, and/or sometimes Redacted would make us do live "demonstrations." Redacted knew about this "training” business and encouraged relatives and friends to take the "courses" with their children. For example, my Redacted Nathan received training from Redacted.
Angela Fenton began as a client of edacted’s and then moved in with Redacted (We had most experiences with her between 1995-1998). I believe she was in her mid to late 30s. She was overweight, but very strong, and had a very short haircut. Redacted and Redacted made fun of her behind her hack for being "ugly” or “homely.” She hated her family - especially her mom- and did not want to live with them in Alpine (she said so herself many, many times), although she had a huge “wing" of the house to herself. Her family was very wealthy. Redacted said we were NOT to call her Angela in general because, he said, Angela did "not want to come out anymore." (I did "meet" Angela many times over this period, but she preferred to be called "CJ" most of the time.) Redacted said Angela (or "Angie" as he also called her) was hiding from her life and "the pain." He said that to the psychology world, Angela had severe multiple personality disorder and had many, many “parts." Redacted often talked about how much he loved working with Angela, saying she was so "artfully fragmented." He would make lists and lists of all the "parts" he would "find" and then information about each of them. Angela’s family were CS members, she and Redacted said, and she had been raised experiencing ceremonies, torture, etc., but "something went wrong" we were told and she had fallen into severe mental pieces. Redacted said he could "fix” her and help her achieve wholeness as a devoted follower of Lucifer. I believe Angela’s parents were paying Redacted for this "work," even though he acted and spoke around her as if he hated them as much as she did.
Redacted said Angela’s main “part" was a boy named "CJ" (for "Charles James”). "CJ” acted as if he were a 7-12 year old boy and almost always called Redacted "Buddy." Redacted and "CJ" told us that there were actually multiple boy parts named “CJ" with different ages in this range, voices, interests, etc. We were threatened by Redacted to never call him/her by the wrong name or confuse the “parts.” This happened because of many instances where we got confused, got it wrong, and "deeply offended" CJ/whatever “part” was "out” It was extremely hard to follow these rules because CJ could "change" in an instant to a different “part." Often she would close her eyes and her head would drop down for a second or two and then she would seem to revive and say she was or speak as a different “part." If you weren't watching her face, it was easy to miss. Sometimes there was not a visible “change" between different "parts," but we were just expected "to know." If we did not immediately "recognize" the new "part" (even without him/her speaking), there was a high chance we would offend him/her. When we did, "CJ” (or another "part”) would run and tell on us to Redacted. "He" would also cry to my Redacted about us if we acted in any way distant or cold and we would be punished with severe sexual and/or physical violence. We would also get a lecture on how we were interfering with Redacted’s work and CJ’s "healing."
I was included in the "therapy" for CJ as part of my regular responsibilities. I was commanded by Redacted to be CJ’s special "friend" so the three of us were together a lot. Redacted also frequently included Redacted in the "therapy," especially when they were not at school. I was kept home from school for a large part of this period for many reasons, including being available for Redacted and CJ. If anyone outside of our groups (CS) asked what I was doing out of school, I was instructed by Redacted to tell them that I was "in home school” and "apprenticing with Redacted, a Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist." Redacted had family, friends, and other clients "help" in his "therapy" with "CJ", including Joe Bennion and Con Gottfordson. Redacted often had me be "Tabitha” in "sessions" with CJ and Con (Conrad Gottfordson lived in Alpine, UT, and was Angela Fenton’s Stake President at the time. He often insisted I call him "Redacted Con," but I preferred to just call him "Con"). Most of the time Con came to Redacted house in Provo for these things. This "therapy” was not just conducted in Redacted’s offices. He would do this in stores, in parking lots, in the car, up the canyon, at the library, in parks, at people’s homes, in front of friends, family and clients, and more.
Both Redacted talked about having "CJ" in our home as a "boon" for them. They used her to help them terrorize us, sexually and physically abuse us, punish us and torture us. They had full access to sexually, physically, and mentally abuse her and would often gloat that no one would ever believe her if she tried to accuse them. She was the living, breathing example (they often pointed out) of what would happen to us if we ever tried to "dissent” from our family or the church (CS). They said we would be trapped, just as she was, with nowhere but CS homes to go to and no one "outside" to ever believe our history. We were told we could live with other CS families or in a mental institution if we wanted to leave home.
Redacted often said how much he loved "working” with CJ for many reasons. Redacted said that having Angela’s wealthy family endorse Redacted and his methods in working with their daughter increased Redacted value and standing in CS groups. Another was that "spirit followers of Lucifer" “in” CJ were readily available to “talk” to my Redacted (and Con or whoever else he had with him). Redacted used CJ, myselt and Redacted to have “revelations" and "visions.” He would do this by raping us (vaginally or anally) while repeating certain prayers to receive these things "spiritually." Often one other person would "help" and write down what Redacted was saying (he “couldn’t” because his arms were usually up in a "V" and his eyes were rolled back). Con took a lot of notes for Redacted during this time. Sometimes, if "CJ" was not "available" (there but not “there") Redacted would rape me vaginally or anally and make me take notes at the same time. Redacted seemed to love to “cast out parts" and "spirits," "call forth" and speak to “parts" and "spirits," talk to "parts" of "other abusers" that had been "implanted” in CJ, including the "Master," and many more things.
I often "slept," at least part of the night, with Redacted and CJ (Redacted often did, too). Redacted would set up a bed of blankets on the floor of the Provo house or Spring City house. Sometimes we did this at Angela’s "wing” of her family home. Redacted and CJ (or whatever "part" was "out") liked to sleep close together with Redacted’s arm under CJ’s head, "spooning.” Sometimes Con would stay the whole night and sleep with them, too.
When Redacted had other clients and "CJ” was not involved in their sessions and for other portions of the day, Redacted commanded us to play with "CJ" and be "his" "friend." As The Peacemaker, I was supposed to take the lead in this with Redacted. If we were playing with our dolls, CJ often brought out his Star Wars figurines. He would sometimes take our dolls to “play" with his figurines and not ask permission, which started some disagreements. We had to be very careful, however, and not "hurt" CJ’s feelings or we would get punished by Redacted. Once in Provo (1996), CJ sat next to me at dinner. I was passed some food and got distracted and put the dish down instead of continuing to pass it to CJ. CJ pouted the rest of dinner and afterward cried to Redacted, who made me "humbly" apologize and give them both (Redacted & CJ) oral sex and “get a spanking" (on my bare bottom). Towards the end of CJ living with us, he started doing this "tattle-taling" to Redacted about Redacted, which infuriated her and I am sure was part of the decision to move CJ out.
I “assisted" in CJ’s "therapy” by day and night for almost as long as she lived with us. I was supposed to also keep up with my "Redacted" packets (school substitute), but it was a huge struggle since I was usually so exhausted. I was struggling so much to maintain the "appropriate" outward appearance to both the general public and CS circles. Despite the mountain of threats, I finally could not and would not do it anymore. I knew some of what might happen, but I hoped, in the end, I would help Redacted more by doing this. I told Redacted I would not participate in CJ’s "therapy" any more. Redacted was so livid he shook. In the months that followed, he alternated between silent treatment and openly expressed hatred of me with frequent verbal abuse and sexual and physical violence. By refusing these experiences, I was breaking my covenants and rejecting my "transformation," at a time when I was supposed to be maturing into my CS roles. I was told I was in grave danger of loosing my standing and role as the Peacemaker. Redacted, already focused on Redacted, redoubled his efforts with her, taking her everywhere with him. Redacted started "grooming her,” as they said, for my "place” in the family. He started bringing her into his therapy sessions with clients very often and using and abusing her day and night. He would use her to get back at me (See previously submitted account of rape with Redacted in the room). Under the severest threats, I was never supposed to show my "betrayal of Lucifer" in CS public. It would derail Redacted businesses and standing in the Church and Councils. Redacted said it would be best to send me to live with some other CS family like Redacted had. I was terrified but I thought that it might be a start to a way out. I was almost Redacted and didn't have a driver’s license or high school diploma. In the fall, winter, and early spring of 1998-1999, Redacted arranged for me to work as a “nanny" for Redacted Suki and Redacted Craig and Josh and Melanie Yorgason (daughter of Jay Mitton and sister to Julie Mitton Staples, Redacted).
The preceding excerpt demonstrates Joe Bennion’s participation in the abuse of a mentally ill woman, Angela Fenton, who suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder rooted in her childhood ritual abuse at the hands of her family, who were allegedly members of the Church of Satan. David Lee Hamblin built a business within his therapy practice that centered on inducing compliance to ritual abuse within the children of CS members. The Victims Statements detail how various CS members retained David Lee Hamblin to train them how to psychologically condition their children in order to induce compliance with ritual sexual and physical abuse. Hamblin’s “parts theory” was addressed in the Custody Order and Findings of Fact in his custody trial, which means that it was known to the courts and law enforcement as early as 2003.
Additionally, Hamblin’s propensity for abusing his therapy patients was known to the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing in the late Nineties, as Hamblin admitted to having sex with his patients and misrepresenting the sexual abuse as part of their therapy. Incredibly, DOPL did not follow up to interview all of Hamblin’s patients to determine the full extent of his sexual abuse of patients, even though it was known to DOPL and others that Hamblin treated children. If DOPL had completed a thorough investigation of Hamblin, they would likely have discovered Hamblin’s abuse of Tobias Schroeder, the male victim in Hamblin’s current criminal case in Manti, Utah’s Sixth District Court.
This discovery would likely have led to Hamblin’s prosecution, preventing his continuing abuse of children and adults over the ensuing two decades after he lost his license as a clinical psychologist. It would have likely led to the exposure of the Church of Satan, including Joe and Lee Bennion.
David Lee Hamblin and his accomplices committed criminal acts against Angela Fenton, including Sexual offenses against the victim without consent of victim, a crime under Utah Criminal Code 76-5-406. The code specifically identifies both health professionals and members of the clergy, and David Lee Hamblin, Joseph Wood Bennion, and Conrad Gottfredson were within those classifications. Bennion and Gottfredson are priests within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with active ecclesiastical callings that qualify them as members of the clergy. David Lee Hamblin was a clinical psychologist as well as a priesthood holder with church callings, and he therefore fell under both categories within the criminal statute.
Angela Fenton was a mentally ill individual who was incapable of forming consent to sexual acts; in fact, she was so mentally ill that she required round the clock intensive therapy for her issues. The reason she was placed in David Lee Hamblin’s residence as a live-in patient is likely the fact that her family wished to contain any revelations of abuse that would render them criminally culpable.
Rachel Lee Hamblin’s allegations about being forced to participate in Angela Fenton’s therapy were corroborated in the Custody Order and Findings of Fact from her parents’ divorce. The court explicitly found that David Lee Hamblin kept Rachel from attending school to enlist her in Angela Fenton’s treatment. In 2003, the courts were aware of Hamblin’s unethical and improper therapeutic methods with Angela Fenton, but it appears that no criminal referrals were made to the police for further investigation into Hamblin’s abuse of Fenton or his daughter Rachel. An investigation would likely have uncovered the role of others in Fenton’s abuse, such as Conrad Gottfredson and Joe Bennion.
VS 2, pg. 103
Frequency: Redacted used us as trade often. They used copies of our films or photos. They had us do live "performances.” They used us as prostitutes to trade for something they wanted. Some of the trades included original and expensive art by Brian Kershisnik, Tom Schulte, Lee Bennion, and others. Redacted also did this with Joe Bennion’s pottery, Carla Jimison’s jewelry, discounts with Dave Sheets’ store, etc.
Redacted told us from a young age, that we were required to help pay for our "room and board.” Part of the prostitution money in Provo and Spring City went to that, we were told. Earlier in my life, I was told this about Redacted NY apartment. At least several times a month, Redacted landlord in NY would let himself in and come into our room and abuse Redacted and me. This happened a lot during the day. Redacted would be home and going about her housework, but she would not come when we called and cried for her.
This excerpt demonstrates that Joe Bennion allegedly used his pottery to pay for child prostitution and child pornographic material. It also demonstrates the barter system set up by Church of Satan members to pay for criminal services.
VS 2, pg. 106
Redacted was constantly teaching us about "The Last Days" - that we were living in them and that the world (as we knew it) would "end" in our lifetime (his friends spoke about this, too). He was obsessed with collecting and educating himself on survival and emergency supplies, amassing coins (no paper money), learning and teaching us how to live in the "wilderness," etc. This was necessary, he said, until their special “community" was developed (see below). Also, he said to avoid him being "drafted" or all of us killed, we would probably have to hide in the mountains or desert/wilderness for some time.
Redacted, the Bennions, and many other CS friends would often talk about the society they were trying to form in Sanpete County, and especially in Spring City - trying to get their CS friends and family to purchase homes and/or land there. They wanted to create a "United Order” among the groups (CS). They would be self- sufficient and everyone would contribute. Redacted and Joe and the Council would be the leaders of “the Order” and our families would have the most goods, protection, and power. The Bennion’s introduced us to a children’s book called "Stone Soup." The adults had us kids read it often and read it to each other. It describes a community of "greedy" people who will not share their resources and how they are tricked into coming together to make a community dinner of soup and how everyone brings what they have to contribute. (Redacted would laugh and tell us the real title was "Bone Soup," in reference to their cannibalistic practices. Redacted would frequently make soup stock out of human bones.)
Redacted and Redacted often spoke of the prophecies of the "Last Days." He read to us from scriptures and other sources. He loved to read and talk about the LDS/ bible scripture that says polygamy will be reinstated after so many men would be killed in the wars. I heard he and his CS friends talk about it often and with great excitement. They said they couldn’t wait for the government to be in such chaos that it stopped enforcing laws. Redacted would say, as the head wife, she was going to be "entitled" to sexual favors from whatever wives Redacted acquired - just as it was with she and myself. Redacted said I was just going to remain his wife, he would obtain more wives, and Redacted would marry his friends. Redacted also spoke about reinstating polygamy.
Redacted and Redacted would research other prophecies, too. Once in their Spring City master bedroom, in bed, he and Redacted had a phone call with some author who had written a book of "visions"/”dreams" that the author had “received" regarding "the last days." They also had us all get future readings from Jan Carpenter, a woman in SLC. Redacted had me get multiple readings from her.
We were taught to believe that, as the elect of Lucifer, we will have the ability to resurrect each other when Jehovah returns to the earth at the “Second Coming." We were supposed to be prepared, as the 5 virgins were, with oil in our lamps. "Lucifer,” we were taught means "light bearer." We were supposed to follow "Lucifer’s light" (they loved and used the hymns "Lead, Kindly Light” and "The Lord is my Light") and "spirit" to unite with the rest of his "army” and defeat Jehovah. They said that most people cannot succeed in God’s "ridiculous" mortal plan (and be "worthy" to return to him) and so the army of Lucifer will be much larger than God’s army. They say they will take over the kingdom of God (and overthrow him) from the sheer number of resurrected beings they will have on their side.
This excerpt provides insight into the motives of David Lee Hamblin and Joseph Wood Bennion. The men allegedly believed they were going to start a United Order, which would revolve around communal living under the leadership of David Lee Hamblin and Joseph Wood Bennion, in preparation for the Last Days. The members of the Church of Satan were obsessed with an eschatology that would usher in their exaltation under Lucifer, where they would gain great power and wealth both in the lead up to the End Times and during the actual reign of Lucifer.
Apocalyptic fixations are common among Latter Day Saints, as the Visions of Glory enthusiasts would attest. There are equal parts fascination and dread around the prospect of a tribulation level event, and those who venture into the various books and materials written about the End Times often devolve into criminal acts. Chad Daybed and Lori Vallow are prominent examples, but John Pontius’s book was published far too late to be the book referenced in the Hamblin Victims Statements.
VS 2, pg. 113
Date: Summer 1995 Time: Night
Location: Spring City House
One night I was woken up by Redacted covering my mouth with his palm. He whispered a prayer of consecration and did some hand motions over my face and body. He glared at me and put his finger to his lips. Tears began streaming down my face. He pulled me out of bed. The house was dark, but I saw a little light coming from around the door of Redacted room. He led me downstairs and to the kitchen door. He tied a black cloth around my head and told me he would cut out my tongue if I made any noise. I tried to keep up with him as he dragged me by the arm out to the pasture. He stopped and whispered in my ear that if I made a sound he would allow me to be skinned alive. I was hyperventilating and trying to be silent. Then I heard him walk away. I tried to hold my breath and listen for any sound around me. It was totally quiet for a minute and then I heard them. One started alone and then the group joined in - a hushed droning and chanting coming from all around me. I could tell it was not too close but then it sounded like they were getting nearer. I started to panick and pulled off my blindfold, risking being punished more. The group, approx. 25 people in their black cloaks, started appearing out of the shadows all around me. They came out of the barn door, from the corral, from behind the pigsty, from behind the tree, from the lean-tos, from the shadows towards the house and garden fence. It was a fairly dark night but I could see most of their outlines. I covered my own mouth with my hands to muffle my crying. I couldn’t see Redacted anymore. I tried to look for a way out. They started walking slowly towards me. I knew I could not outrun many of the men, plus I was barefoot. I froze with fear and kept turning my head around to scan all of the area around me. Once I shifted my weight a little when 1 saw an opening that I might be able to run through. The person closest to my route put their arm outward as a warning and I knew I would not make it. They got closer and closer and I saw some had knives in their hands, as they caught the light. I finally fell to my knees on the ground and curled myself up with my hands protecting the back of my neck, sobbing. I heard them run towards me in the grass. Suddenly many hands were on me - some were clawing at my back and head, others were yanking at my hair, others were trying to force their hands under me to grab my breasts and genitals, one person hit me in my side. Someone kept pushing something (I thought it was a finger) through my clothes and into my anus. They kept chanting and breathing heavily and some made animal-like sounds. They pulled and pushed me until they had me on my back with each arm and leg out to the sides. I kept whispering, "Please!! Please!!! I’m sorry!!! I’m sorry!!!’’ (I did not know why this was happening, but I was usually required to beg forgiveness during torture.) Joe Bennion held a knife right in my face (1 could see part of his face at times and knew his voice and smell) and people were feeling at the top of my head for my hairline and murmuring to each other about where to "start." I kept begging them to stop. They held the tip of the knife (it must have been the back side of it) at the top of my forehead. I sobbed, trying to be quiet. Redacted said, "Wait," and he and the other elders started “arguing" about what to do with me (I knew it was a set-up then and now. Redacted was mildly arguing his side.). The elders told Redacted that I should beg Redacted to "take" me (rape me). They said that was the only way they would stop from skinning me. He said things about how he didn’t think I really wanted him to and that it wouldn’t be “honest." I was sick inside but believed this was the only way out. I started begging my Redacted to rape me. He and the elders made me beg over and over on my knees. They said for a while that I was lying and just trying to get out of my punishment. Finally, Redacted pushed me down on my back and others pulled my clothes off Redacted raped me first vaginally and then anally. When he raped me anally, my face was pushed down by many hands and rubbed in the dirt and grass over and over. I was then raped anally by Joe, Paul, Tom, and another man. While I was being raped, others scratched my skin, bit my nipples, hit and kicked me. Others were lying on the grass around me having an orgy. I heard Redacted groaning to the side of my head. When they were done with me, Redacted yanked me up to standing. He told me through clenched teeth to get to my room and that I should be grateful for his mercy. I ran inside (naked) as fast as I could. The next day Redacted and Redacted told me I had been punished because I had become lazy in my Peacemaker duties and, because of me, my sisters were becoming more "defiant.”
Frequency: When Redacted would wake me up in the night or otherwise prepare me for ceremonies, he often "consecrated" me for Lucifer’s purposes, as I mentioned. To wake me up, morning or night he and Redacted would also sometimes pull my eyes open suddenly and stick their fingers in my mouth, nose, and ears. Redacted would give "wet willies" in our ears to wake us up and then “mount” us (as they said) and make us give him oral sex while we lay on our pillows. Sometimes they would put one hand over my mouth and plug my nose with the other. Sometimes they would pounce on me to scare me awake. Redacted would often be standing beside my bed with his naked penis close to my face or Redacted with nothing on waist down. In Spring City, I had to give either of them (sometimes both) morning oral sex in my room with them sitting naked on my pillow and on the "alter" (trunk) by the window.
This excerpt alleges that David Lee Hamblin, Joseph Wood Bennion, Paul Larsen, and Tom Schulte raped Rachel Hamblin in retaliating for failing to perform her duties as a Peacemaker within her family. Joe Bennion used a knife in the course of the sexual assaults. The group threatened to skin Rachel Hamblin alive if she did not submit to being raped and violently sodomized. The use of a weapon escalates the rape and forcible sodomy of Rachel Hamblin to aggravated sexual assault, a crime under Utah Criminal Code 76-5-405.
VS 2, pg. 119
□ Date: Fall 1993
Time: Evening
Location: Joe and Lee Bennion’s House, Spring City
One dark night with the Bennion, Larsen, and Schroder kids, we were encouraged by the adults to play “No Bears Are Out Tonight.” In this game, the kids link arms in a long chain (like Red Rover) and everyone chants, "No bears are out tonight, Daddy shot them all last night..." Then one or more men would run out from the shadows and grab one or two of us (a link), often cover our mouths, and pull us away, screaming, into the darkness. Others ran at us growling and yelling just to scare us. The rest of the group would link together and keep walking and chanting until no one was left. I was grabbed first by Paul Larsen who covered my mouth and pulled me through the gate and into the dark tack shed. He made me get on my hands and knees and anally raped me. I heard the kids shouting and continuing to play. When Paul finished he grabbed my cheeks and made me swear not to tell anyone what he did. He said he would tell Redacted I had led him back there and made him swear not to tell. I knew this would bring a huge punishment for me, even if Redacted thought he was lying. I nodded. I brushed off my hands, knees, and clothes and we went back to the game. They were just finishing with Redacted who was the only one left to take.
Frequency: Redacted Suki said she loved "No Bears are Out Tonight” and would suggest this game often in Spring City and in Wildwood (Provo Canyon). We played it once or twice with the Kelly kids (and the Bennion’s) when they visited Spring City.
The adults also played "hide and seek" with us and some other games. As a punishment from Redacted, a “hide and seek” version (silent) was also played in our house with the elders and Redacted and I (I remember this happening 4 or 5 times very late at night). The “game" ended in an orgy in the dark.
Other frequent methods of scaring and terrorizing us included (which were often followed by more abuse and/or rape):
□ Jumping out at us from closets, sometimes hiding in there a long time before coming out, raping us after scaring us.
□ Playing primary songs on the CD player then terrorizing us, raping
us, making us sing along
□ Hiding behind doors, furniture
□ Hiding under our bed and grabbing our ankles
□ Grabbing our ankles in the shower (from under the shower curtain
□ Attacking or scaring us we were in vulnerable positions (washing our
face, washing the dishes, showering, using the toilet, vacuuming, praying and kneeling at our beds, etc.)
□ They would pretend they were dolls and dress up like dolls and attack us
□ After dark, Redacted and Joe would lunge or run at a window or suddenly appear staring in the window, making a "dead," "horrified,” or scary face
□ Redacted and Redacted used a light green Styrofoam head with a base (looked a human/alien mix) and would raise it slowly from behind a window or piece of furniture (in the dark it was harder to see it was green)
□ Redacted or Redacted would dress up like a ghost, lit from the hack or floor with a flashlight (usually held by the other person)
□ Prowl around late at night and scare us when we slept in “the bunkhouse" in Spring City. They (Redacted and Spring City elders) would bang on the tin roo[ run on all fours across the porch, scratch at the door, make scaiy and bizarre animal-like sounds, leave dead animals outside the door (sometimes with a note), and barge in to rape or abuse us. As with any outside activity, we were not allowed to scream or yell for help. In the morning they would say they heard some scary noises coming from around the bunkhouse the night before. They would say, “maybe it was Cain!"
□ Redacted and Joe would wear ghoulish masks and scare us outside in the dark when we were sent to do something by Redacted
□ When I was little in New York they would scare me wearing a skeleton costume and with real skulls and other skeleton props. Redacted would also wrap Redacted in sheets or toilet paper like a mummy and he would hide in our closets, behind doors, under beds, etc. Redacted would send me on "errands" for her around the house to places where he was hiding. I would cry and often hide and then get spanked and/or raped while he was still wearing part of the costume. He would come at me slowly sometimes and Redacted would bar me from getting out of an area until he had caught me and abused me. In NY, they used this "mummy” theme to terrify me for months leading up to us going to an exhibit of a real mummy (I think it was "King Tut”).
□ Once they left Redacted at a gas station with a stranger. I was so afraid for her. Redacted and I begged them to go back and they just laughed. After a while they turned around and picked her up. They did that sort of thing at other times, too.
In this excerpt, Rachel Lee Hamblin describes a game of No Bears Out Tonight which took place at Joe and Lee Bennion’s home. During that game, she was abducted and raped by Paul Larsen. She names the Schroeder kids as participants in the game, and this is significant because Tobias Schroeder is one of the victims of David Lee Hamblin. His older sister Anja attended the sweat lodges and peyote ceremonies conducted by Joseph Wood Bennion, and she developed mental health issues that culminated in her eventual suicide. Her brother Gilbert also committed suicide as well.
The Schroeder sisters, Caroline Lott and Katy Harmer, run Das Cafe, a restaurant in Spring City, Utah. Joseph Wood Bennion was one of their long-time customers until recently, and he started a Facebook business page to promote Das Cafe. He has purportedly refused to turn over the Facebook page to the owners of Das Cafe, and he also reportedly walked into Das Cafe and stated that he had a gun and would defend his family, which led to one of the sisters informing him that she was also armed.
Das Cafe has since suffered a loss in business as a result of Joe Bennion’s falling out with the sisters who own it. IRA encourages its readers to not only patronize Das Cafe, which has impeccable reviews for its food, but also to donate to Tobias Schroeder through his sister, who is the male victim in the Hamblin case in Manti’s Sixth District Court. For two years, Tobias Schroeder has held out as prosecutors have delayed his case against David Lee Hamblin, and he has faced financial hardship as he has repeatedly taken time off of work to attend hearings that ultimately were delayed time and time again.
If you’re looking for a concrete method to support victims in the Hamblin case, there is no better way than to go to Das Cafe in Spring City and have a meal, while donating to Caroline Lott and Katy Harmer’s brother Tobias Schroeder.
This post concludes on page 119 of the second Victims Statement of Rachel Lee Hamblin. We will continue reviewing the allegations against Joseph Wood Bennion and his wife Lee Patricia Udall Bennion in the third part of this series.