Thanks to readers, IRA crossed 100 paying subscribers this week. We’re now sitting at 102 paying subscribers and things look much better financially than they did in the aftermath of my trip to Utah. Additionally, we’re at 1,048 subscribers overall, which is 146 subscribers gained in a month. Thank you all so much for reading and sharing the material, and supporting my appearances on Jason Preston’s We Are the People podcast, where I presented the research on David Lee Hamblin and former Utah County Attorney David Leavitt.
Coverage of Leavitt on IRA is located here.
On Tuesday, I’ll be appearing on Michelle Stone’s 132 Problems Podcast to discuss David Lee Hamblin and the historical backdrop of the LDS Church of Satan. The first part of that appearance should drop on Sunday, October 22, 2023. At least something good will come out of my Sunday besides worshipping God, because the Denver Broncos continue to ruin everything. Nevertheless, Go Broncos. The Rangers did beat the franchise of cheaters, Satan’s favorite ball club, the Astros, so love and light prevailed. My Mets are out of the picture, so I have cast my lot in solidarity with old friends who are Rangers fans.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. MST, David Lee Hamblin will be having his next court appearance before Judge Mandy Larsen in the Sixth Judicial District-Manti. You can tune in to that hearing over Webex. IRA will be covering the hearing as always. Hamblin is now up to four attorneys of record, including his original counsel Leah Aston and Michael Petro, the latter of whom taught for the Leavitt Institute in Ukraine. Yes, that Leavitt Institute, founded and run by David and Chelom Leavitt, David Lee Hamblin’s alleged accomplices in child rape, child sex trafficking, and murder.
In addition, David Lee Hamblin has Brian Frees and Richard Gale working as his attorneys. Aston and Petro attempted to ditch David Hamblin months ago, based on his inability to afford their services, but they cannot seem to quit him. Richard Gale, esteemed career public defender for much of his 20 year career, seemed a bit piqued during his initial appearance at the thousands of pages worth of discovery procured by Aston and Petro. He has apparently teamed up with the “Serious Lawyers for Serious Concerns” over at Frees Law, where Brian Frees has a general law practice encompassing Criminal Defense, Family Law, and Bankruptcy. The Serious Lawyer, Brian Frees, has a single client testimonial on his website from “John,” who was facing a second DUI case, and John extolled the virtues of Frees, who managed to get the case thrown out.
David Lee Hamblin is being led to the lions, because if his original counsel’s effort to extricate their firm from his defense is any indication, whoever was funding his defense has decided to cut bait. As a result, David Hamblin is being fed to the attorneys who ride the court appointment rotation, and that usually leads to sterling outcomes. Then again, the CS Gatekeeper network may pull out another 2014 miracle, whereby David Lee Hamblin had his charges dropped even though he was on tape apologizing to his daughter for raping her.
The current focus of IRA, article-wise, is another long form article on the CS ties to Missouri, where we tracked David Hamblin’s father Robert Lee Hamblin, former professor and chair of the Washington University Sociology Department. There will be another long form article on that topic this week.
The work continues on various CS profiles, including that of David and Deborah Sheets, with the challenge being the sheer amount of information that continues to emerge the more one digs.
Due to the relevance of the Ballard case to La Cañada, California, we may be posting another analysis of Tim Ballard and his overlap with CS hotspots, as well as the truly disturbing victims statements filed alongside his civil complaint. Then again, as some of our readers are tired of Tim-and we share that attitude-IRA may decide to forego yet another Ballard article.
IRA also intends to continue contributing videos to the CS and the Provo City Council campaign of Craig Christensen. After all, we have a civic duty when it comes to participatory democracy and educating the public. Look for some of those videos to drop this week as well.
There are additional stories in their embryonic stages at the moment that tie in to the existing CS hotspots in Provo and elsewhere. Sources continue to come forward, and IRA is always looking for any tips or records to get to the bottom of the Hamblin case and its related matters. or @Goel1830 on Telegram for tips. If you want to support IRA, you can donate here with any amount you see fit to contribute.
As always, if you wish to support my campaign to become a social media influencer and get free Polar Seltzer-or if you just want to share content that I generate in the form of videos-I need you to all decamp over to Rumble and follow my channel Investigations in Ritual Abuse, as well as 1830GOEL. Over at Instagram, I’m @1830goel and at TikTok I’m also @1830goel. Also, please subscribe to Investigations in Ritual Abuse on Facebook. I also have a Youtube channel now, at least until the overlords at Google get wind of my content. I’ve been in Facebook jail so many times over the past few years that deplatforming isn’t a real threat. Dozens of social media burner accounts. Dozens.
Thanks for reading and sharing the content. Thanks for subscribing and donating. Really, just thanks. I’m doing the work I was put here to do, and eating chicken thighs and potatoes with my dog while drinking seltzer. It’s not a bad gig if you can get it, aside from the heartbreak and disappointment of being a Mets, Pacers, Broncos, Flyers, and Auburn Tigers fan. Barça is my only hope, even though their accounting department makes Enron look like child’s play.
Excellent, thank you! And chicken thighs, dog company, Seltzer and football are balms for the soul!