
Caleb Proulx: Hard Tard Law Doggin' Commercial #2

He sent another letter

Here at IRA, we take great joy in giving back to the less fortunate. We can’t think of anyone more unfortunate than the Hard Tard, Caleb Proulx, Attorney at the Laws. Today, we submitted our response to his written interrogatories and requests in the ongoing lawsuit with Joe and Lee Bennion, the Hard Tard’s in-laws. Because the Hard Tard sent us another letter threatening us with a spurious defamation lawsuit, IRA has created another commercial for the Hard Tard’s law practice.

Enjoy! There’s a special feature in this video that we think you’ll absolutely love. Watch an alleged ritual abuser sing the lost Lakota songs and apologize for being a white guy with vicarious liability for exploiting the Lakota as he exploits the Lakota via cultural appropriation. You can’t make this up.