Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

Thanks GOEL for helping to inform the citizens of Provo District 1 about the allegations involving one of their candidates for city council. "A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson

Here's my opinion of the redacted portions of this section of Rachel's statement that give it more context:

"[MY PARENTS] held a Resurrection/Triumph ceremony inside [OUR FAMILY’S] house one night. They were excited because all of [MY DAD’S] siblings and spouses would be there. The Bennion’s were coming, too…I snuck upstairs and stayed there until my [MY PARENTS] called me. I knew they were bringing a polygamist boy for a sacrifice later and I wanted to stay away as long as I could. When I came in the room the boy was tied up naked in the corner…They gagged him and then they started skinning him in different places on his body. Then they started skinning his penis. He screamed out in pain and [UNCLE] Steve put his hand over his mouth. They ordered [ELIZA] to climb on top of him and “have sex” with him for a little while. Joe pulled her off and cut off the boy’s penis. He screamed harder. [UNCLE] Steve, [MY DAD], and Joe kept teasing him about the pain. I kept averting my eyes and praying that they would end it. Joe tried to dig his eyes out with a knife and finally [UNCLE] Steve slit his throat. Then they cut off his head.

They brought out the camera and made us pose with his body and body parts while they took lots of photos….They tried to think of every way they could do this and “took turns” trying to pose in the “funniest” or “cleverest” ways and one-up each other….They also made me hold up the head and kiss the boy’s mouth. I am sure they took at least a whole roll of film of everyone's poses. [UNCLE] Craig crouched down so his head looked like it was attached to the neck of the boy’s body and got a lot of laughs from them.”

This horrific murder is corroborated by Rachel's sister, Katie in VS #3 Experience #112. Here is what she said about her uncle Craig that corroborates Rachel's account:

"Craig ran over to the coffin trunk where the body was laying headless, and he moved the tarp and body up to the edge of the coffin trunk. He crouched on one side telling Rosie to take a picture of his head where the head of the boys should have been. Then they had [RACHEL] hold up the head of the boy and French kiss it. "

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Hello, my name is Kresha Easton and I started a YouTube channel back when my nephew, JJ Vallow and cousin, Tylee Ryan went missing and my former aunt Lori Vallow (now Daybell) apparently went on their murderous spree, killing not only my Uncle, Charles Vallow but killing Chad's respective spouse, Tammy Daybell..... They also failed at killing Lori's biological niece's husband, Brandon Boudreaux..... ALL WITHIN THE SPAN OF 5 MONTHS IN 2019!!! My mom is Kay Vallow Woodcock, whom was the sole beneficiary of my uncle's one million dollar life insurance policy. My uncle Charles had been receiving threats by his wife Lori when he discovered she and Chad's risqué love affair, and began going down her 'bizarre religious rabbit hole' as per Judge Steven W. Boyce, who is the presiding judge over both of their cases in Fremont County, Idaho. Lori was found guilty on all charges and was sentenced to multiple life sentences, although the state had initially sought the death penalty. Lori was deemed incompetent to aid in her case until she finally became "competent". Her defense attorneys used her mental incompetence and fragileness as leverage to have the death penalty removed from her case, and it worked in her behalf!

I am writing to you today because being a never-mo, I too went down their 'bizarre religious rabbit hole' four years ago after my uncle Charles was ambushed while picking his son up for breakfast together, followed by bringing JJ to school. That never happened though because Lori and her brother (Lori's "Protector") had conspired to murder my uncle so she could collect his life insurance money!! My mother , who is Charles' sister and JJ's grandmother, received payout instead which then prompted Lori and Chad (and other co conspirators) to deem my mom a "zombie" and from all accounts, Zombies are murdered so their physical bodies can reunite with their souls that were allegedly awaiting in Spirit Prison! I can't roll my eyes hard enough!!

So I'm telling you all this to say that my tireless research has led me straight to this 'Church of Satan', which imo, exists inside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (allegedly), and I will not stop until I get to the bottom of this and expose all with my three family members' blood on their hands, are held accountable!!! It was a vow I made after my uncle was murdered but before the kids' remains were found in Chad Daybell's backyard in Salem, Idaho on June 9, 2020!!

Chad and Lori were sealed in the temple in Arizona during a Preparing A People Mesa Event the weekend of November 16-18th of 2018 and I am of the belief that this was all set into motion by the church itself. Why? Because I am of the opinion that this is how the Church secretly practices polygamy while staying off of the U.S. Government's shit list so to speak. Tylee was less than 3 weeks from turning 17 when she was murdered. Although there is no way for experts to know what caused her death, we do know that she was dismembered, burned, and buried in Chad Daybell's backyard, not far away from where her baby brother JJ, who was a beautiful 7 year old with autism, would soon join her just 15 days later.

There was a conference in Rexburg, Idaho on the same weekend that my nephew was murdered (either September 23rd or 24th, experts weren't able to give us official death dates on both children), by asphyxiation by plastic bag and was overtly bound in duct tape, almost as if he were mummified. Idk if intentional or not but this goes without saying that this was all done for "religious purposes" according to their charging affidavits by Madison and Fremont County Prosecutors, Rob Wood and Lindsay Blake. Rexburg, Idaho is 98% Mormon and I am of the strong belief that there were many participants that have knowledge of both Tylee and JJ's murders and I believe this because I have studied this and those who ran in the same religious circle as Chad and Lori Daybell. This includes Tim Ballard, Jason Mow, Keith and Suzanne Leavitt, Melanie Gibb, David Warwick, Melani Boudreaux Pawlowski, Ian Pawlowski, Alex Cox, Zulema Pastenes, Audrey Barratierro, Shawn 'Terry Scabby' Littlebear, Dan and Tammy Judd, Christopher and Sue Parrett, just to name a few.

I want to know if you and your community would be willing to help me make connections to this brood of people who are suspected of Cannibalism, child murder, satanic ritual abuse and murder, and participating in this 'Church of Satan' inside of the "Church of Jesus Christ" (everything I have mentioned is alleged and all are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law).

Please feel free to contact me at kresha0123@gmail.com and my YouTube channel name is @DiffiCULT Research.

Thank You for your dedication and research into this deprave society that co-exists with all of us and somehow stays protected by higher-ups in the Mormon hierarchy (imo).


--Kresha Kay Easton

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