Loving that you doubled down! πŸ˜‚ LFG!!!

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Boom! The truth prevails and will prevail, through Jesus Christ and His will and power in this unprecedented situation! Thank you for facing down the demons in human form!

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And then the Streisand effect will truly kick in!

Deconstructing the Streisand Effect

In an article published in the International Journal of Education, Sue Curry Jansen and Brian Martin explained how the Streisand effect is a consequence of failed censorship attempts. These outrage-management processes include cover-up, defamation of the target, reframing events, false justice, and intimidation or rewards.

The authors also argued that censorship is a process that requires active maintenance to conceal the actions of powerful people.

Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-red-light-district/201912/understanding-the-streisand-effect

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Hopefully she goes through with it! Could be a step in the right direction for getting more truth out there!

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Jan 1Β·edited Jan 1

MacBook Air: $1000

Comcast internet service: $60/mo

Subscription to IRA Substack: $10/mo

Sitting on my couch and enjoying IRA’s consistent humiliation of CS clowns and their sympathizers: PRICELESS!

There are many things money can buy, for all things exposing CS wolves in sheep’s clothing, there’s GOEL!

Plagiarism even Gordon would appreciate!

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This is awesome! I love your confidence, and yes, it comes from standing in truth. Thank you for all that you’re doing.

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*sarcasm* IRA, I'm suing you if you don't release everything you have on the leadership of the church. *sarcasm* but actually we'd really like to see the docs you have

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Disgusting!! God don't sleep so shame on them... #lovealwayswins

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