
First issue: discovery. Nathan Evershed said they are slowly getting discovery over the five and a half weeks, DCFS, investigators, etceteras, urging them to get the discovery files over as fast as possible. The wheels of justice move slowly.

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Who is Aston calling? She provided a list, but Griffin wants to know exactly. Griffin is not sure how he's going to rule on the change of venue. The rule as he reads it is he can pull a panel from Salt Lake County, so explain how that works. If he grants the motion, does he follow it up to Salt Lake or does it get reassigned?

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Evershed said the panel could be several hundred. Griffin says is that four hundred to venire ,and Evershed says yes.

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When do we come back for an update on discovery? Evershed will. be out of country in four weeks, he can make August 20th at 10:30 a.m. work. Griffin says he's reticent to set the preliminary hearing until they have movement on discovery.

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Griffin emphasizes that the binder should be by Barlow through Evershed. She knows that there are other forms of discovery, she will continue to renew her objections as to discovery and to Hamblin's pretrial release conditions. Evershed should provide the unredacted documents, or a reason why.

He says he has over 200 GBs, and the organization is terrible. He has been going through it. Expects vigorous reply by next hearing.

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Griffin will see everyone by August 20 at 10:30 a.m., his door is open, reach out to Fay if you need anything.

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Leah Aston says they had a meet and confer after last hearing, court ordered discovery to be turned over in thirty days, nothing has been turned over.

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She asks for pretrial release modification. No progress on discovery from December 2023 according Evershed, there was one before October 2023 when Peters was on the case.

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Judge Griffin references the recorded statement by the lead investigator about not wanting to turn over discovery because of exculpatory materials before the pretrial waivers.

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Nathan Evershed says case is hundreds of gigabytes, they have to go back over multiple decades to get the material. They have met the key people to get access to the materials. Great and earnest efforts put in place, his position is the following: it's a good idea to have a preliminary hearing to help the people with the discovery information understand it's urgent to get the material turn over, wants status hearing in August, hopefully to have more turned over by then.

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So status hearing in August, hard preliminary hearing date set. What about defense request to modify GPS or pretrial release conditions?

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It is the state's belief that to have a discovery issue doesn't approach the same lines of risk to the community. The State objects to any modification of the ankle monitor or the pretrial release conditions. He was held on no bail, it was modified to allow house arrest. He's not in custody.

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