I found you online one year ago this month. You were a mysterious person introducing a nightmare into my life through the revelations made on this site.

As an abuse survivor growing up part-time in Utah County, the new revelations haunted me day and night for months and months.

You validated that my upbringing was not the normal upbringing my family wanted me to believe it was.

My household was turned upside down as my husband watched me grieve and fret as I put two and two together that challenged all I believed.

I didn't know if I could trust this stranger with the handle that means redemption in Hebrew.

But a year later. I'm coming to accept what is truth and learning how to navigate through it with more courage than ever.

Through the Substack format my connection to you has connected me to other brave survivors that I get, and that get me.

Your approach to sharing the vulnerabilities of your own life which you are doing lately has helped me to understand you and trust you. Trust is hard for me to develop in anyone.

I also understand your heart journey. My husband, father of 7, had heart surgery 12 years ago, on two 99% blocked surgeries at the age of 49. He had six boys at home at the time.

We went on Caldwell Esselstyn, MD's plan and cleaned out his arteries and he is going strong.

I'm sorry about you losing your parents and all you have been through. Thank you for fighting for us survivors, and for your example of bravery. I'm also grateful that you have found the church, and that have so quickly brought yourself up to speed on the doctrine and scriptures. What you have learned in the few years you have been a member is amazing!

I live in the path of Hurricane Helene so I won't be able to show up to the rallies out there in Utah. Still have kids at home to keep safe but I'm there in spirit and praying for you

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This was truly touching to read. Thank you for all you do. ❤️

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Thanks for sharing about your journey through this thing we call life. And thanks for the work you do to bring light to the darkness that is around us that most people don’t care to even acknowledge. I am a survivor of sexual abuse by my Father and several brothers . Healing is possible, but you can never get back the innocence that was stolen from you. Again thanks for all you do !

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