
Excellent, measured approach. Apparently, OUR was using housewives as fake wives on their ops, and there is simply no good reason for that. No confirmation as yet on either the excommunication or the psychic consultations, but I'm working on it.


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OUR recruited heavily from Utah Mormons and thus Utah CIA Mormons too. They likely had enormous child and family sexual trauma, and any contact with the aura of child trafficking would have triggered them one way or another.

The CIA and FBI and feds often times use occult or psychic consultants. This particular psychic is recommended highly by LEO circles.

The LDS church's involvment with the CIA and remote viewing, is just a bit of hypocrisy to throw in with the accusations that tim ballard is using similar methods to rescue children and that's forbidden by their satanic god apparently. But the feds and CIA using remote viewing, that's ok with LDS.

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6 Yea, wo unto him that shall deny the revelations of the Lord, and that shall say the Lord no longer worketh by revelation, or by prophecy, or by gifts, or by tongues, or by healings, or by the power of the Holy Ghost!

7 Yea, and wo unto him that shall say at that day, to get gain, that there can be no miracle wrought by Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this shall become like unto the son of perdition, for whom there was no mercy, according to the word of Christ!

Also from the gift of spirit link.

Wo is their way os saying fafo. Fk them

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sorcery=pharmakei in Greek.

Pharmacology. Is the latter day satans or latter day saints opposed to pharmacopia too?

You see, the bible is mistranslated, on purpose, by satan's own.

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"There is simply no excuse for consulting a psychic, because no consultation would fit with the boundaries of Scripture."

What God commands his Own to do, scripture and false latter day satans pretending to be saints, have no word to contradict.

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Disemboweling is pretty accurate. Sheesh!

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If he consulted a psychic, that's grounds enough. If he went further than that into sexual impropriety, he deserves it. That's a big if. My guess is that OUR is about to get sued hard.

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Excommunication is weird though. Sometimes it’s extremely harsh and other times it’s beyond lenient. It’s subjective at the very least.

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All prophets in the bible and BoM was a psychic. Including when Moroni consulted with the high priests to divine the locations of the lamanite armies. This is proof absolute that Tim Ballard is under God's Own direction.

Especialyl Joseph Smith was also a psychic. What a religion, controlled by satanists think, is immaterial to god. WHat is foolishness to god, is wisdom to humanity, including you.

If you are judging those called to be God's Own, Go el, I would advise against it.

Go read the bom here


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Prophets and psychics are completely different. The former receive instruction from God, and the latter receive their insight from the Devil imitating the gifts of the spirit. A false prophet is to be put to death according to the Old Testament, and Russon's readings never led to that child, did they? I don't judge anyone, I exercise discernment.

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Janet s readinga is what allows our to find so many trafficking hubs. Gordy was not there because he was moved. Yall did not listen to the story completely because this was the episode where the haiti bishop that lost gordy if i recall, said that it was worth it to save god s other vhildren. For they did not find gordy. He had been moved but tim found the 2 kids he adopted plus dozens of others. This is the effort or fruit you call the work of the devil. Similar to those who said jeshua healed by rhe power of the devil.

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All the prophets had the same ability you call psychic or seer ability. Your viewpoint is why satan deceived people into killing the prophets. Jeshua called them tge synagogue of satan. Those pretending to ve hebrewm sort of like what we see in lds land now a days.

If you cannot discern the actual fruits of the devil, which is latter day satans and child abuse/trafficking, vs the the fruits of the latter day saints, which is using god's own direction to find children and save/heal them, then that is of course on you. You are not an atheist or someone who prioritizes materialism over spiritual concepts. You cannot say that satan and god are merely illusions or constructs. If there is a satan, as you see in your investigations ,there is also an opposing force.

So where are the prophets and other people like CPT Moroni fighting for freedom? I don't see them in Utah Mormonism, but I do see them in certain individuals, who are sometimes latter day saints, sometimes of other religions groups too. Now you have a direct contest between Bowen, Satan's Own, and Tim Ballard, God's Own. Just because you cannot find all the material proof yet, does not mean you cannot spiritually discern it. If you cannot discern it, it is because you need to upgrade your spiritual discernment. You really think the bible was talking about all psychics being evil? All the biblical prophets had psychic ability. Guess what, they must evil, let's kill them. Maybe your forefathers did exactly that and you are repeating that mistake even now. Ironic. Prophets, seers, and revelators.

Satan's own also have seers, but if that is all you can see, that is all you can see then. The work of exposing satan doesn't reach the broader audience because you are not using magick to fight magick, power to fight power. Do you think regular material journalism will defeat the CIA and Church of Satan that has been entrenched in Utah? We will need something far stronger and spiritually aligned with God's own will. The power of god is one of the ways you can discern the fruits of god's own work.

This particular episode is just part of that disclosure. It is time to SIFT the Utah Mormons into various groups.

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Prophets aren't wrong. Psychics are, because the Devil inevitably collects his due.

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That is a high standard then. Since it elevates mosiach and others to demi god status. If the lds mormons believed their leaders are prophets and cannot be wrong, i can see how gordon bowen and the church of satan cia took over.

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Yes. We will need power from God and his Son Jesus Christ, for that trumps Satan and his minions every time.

I can witness that GoEl has a powerful testimony of truth. That it precisely why he is committed to this endeavor. GoEl is using that very power to work through these articles. He is honest. He is fair, and he approaches the work with a strong objective discernment.

Additionally, we don’t use magick to fight magick. That would defeat the purpose and use the same tools as the deceiver. That would not only be wrong, but ultimately defeating.

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The tools of mosiach was indistinguishable from pharoah s mages.

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