I’ve known about protecting the “bloodlines” my whole, life but reading this is still eye opening. Super important work & research you are doing, my friend. I am deeply grateful to you. Please spend some time in the sunshine these next few days, you probably really need a break from this stuff - it’s so dark and heavy. I’m sending my gratitude. Thank you!

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Well, it's raining where I'm at, so...back to the grind! The sun will be here tomorrow, which is laundry day. Perfect timing.

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Perfect! Nothing better than clothes & bedding dried by the sun. Here’s to a beautiful, sunny Sunday. ☀️

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I wonder if there's a connection between skull and bones (and other secret societies), polygamy, and the cs. The polygamy thing Brigham did also mirrors what king Noah did to foster up support... Interesting. I also wonder if the church will ever allow polygamy. Same sex marriage in the temples is obvious, but would polygamy be practiced again? I suspect it will but don't have the proof.

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