Utah required the victims of SRA to make a victim statement using their name, even though their own family members and the entire state of Utah's satanics were terrorizing them.

This "lawsuit" has 5 pseudonyms, who claims that the identities will be given to the defendants once a protective order is in place.

This sounds more like Utah Mormonism feels threatened by Tim Ballard or OUR's success at mass arresting traffickers and is suppressing the entire network. Which side people support in this, is becoming quite biblical and harvestable.

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I'd argue that it's pretty easy to find out who Ballard's hair dresser is...

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023

Ymarsakar.... are you sure your name isn't "Brian"?! "Brian" is the only one who could believe Degenerate "I'm actually a big deal" Tim is completely innocent after reading that 84 page criminal compliant, let alone everything else that's come out over the past year+ about Ballard and OUR. Don't believe your lying eyes folks, everything in this 84 page complaint and anything negative that's come out about Tim Ballard is LIES LIES LIES! Lies created by "THE NETWORK" in an effort to bring down "Messiah Tim"! There is no line "Future Prophet" Tim won't cross to save a trafficked woman or child, especially the line of manipulating vulnerable single moms into committing "god-endorsed" adultery! Hmmm, that sounds like trafficking women to save trafficked women. Apostle and Psychic Endorsed!! What Utter Nonsense!

Ymarsakar, are you one of Tim's CIA handlers trying to cover for his mental illness?! The mental illness caused by his CIA trauma-based programming in LaCanada that created this D.I.D. sexual deviant alter?!

I'm pretty sure you haven't read the 84 page complaint, so I'll give you a hint...read the last plaintiff's victim statement - Exhibit E "Statement of HDT". HDT doesn't quite know that what's happening to Tim is a classic dissociative mental breakdown episode into his "Brian" alter. Fortunately for her, he snaps back into "front personality" Tim before committing full-on rape and "just" sexual assaults her, leaving her confused and traumatized.

Sorry, I'm not buying your BS "Messiah Tim" garbage. I guess I'm just one of those biblical "tares" ready for harvesting, right "Brian" er, I mean Ymarsakar?! I guess that also makes you Tim by default.

***NOTE: This disjointed, bizarro, nonsensical, authoritatively declarative post should be right up your alley based on everything I've read from you thus far. Hope it made sense. I apologize for not including any condescending religious fire and brimstone quips.

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Are you saying ymarsakar is Tim Ballard?

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Sorry, it was a joke. I personally find it difficult to believe that any reasonable person (other than Tim - who appears to have a serious and predatory dissociative mental illness according to multiple women in that complaint) could come to the conclusion that Tim Ballard is one of the good guys. The man brought his recently returned from an LDS mission son to a strip club and got him high on club drugs for heavens sake!

Two of these “non-plaintiffs” corroborated that incident.

Sorry, I could be wrong and this whole thing could be fabricated, but the victim statements here ring true. I’ll eat my hat and apologize for my banter with Ymarsakar if I’m proven wrong, but his nonsense is just too much in light of the the evidence.

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Your writing and emotional matrix is disjointed, bizzare, and somewhat nonsensical.

Ymar is not Brian. For there to be a plaintiff, there has to be a legal name attached to it. What are the names of the 5 plaintiffs?

Don't tell me you believe the CIA COINTELPRO operations. I'm not all that sorry, but I am not buying into the CIA/COINTELPRO operations. I have seen enough of it in this life.

As for the harvest, you will see soon enough what happens. Everyone will. There is no stopping it, nobody can stop it, including you. Nothing can stop what is coming. THe day of judgment when the righteous and the unrighteous are split apart. That will be a day of celebration. As we bid farewell to one segment of humanity.

Your name isn't actually Isaiah, you know.

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Tim Ballard's "success?" What documentable success is there?

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The actual individuals that will be disclosing their testimony, who are of age. Unlike the anonymous sources who are part of satan's deception, real salvation/people have real testimonies, relationships, backstories, faces, and voices. That is the real difference in the "success" of satan's own vs god's own victory.

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You for real?

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Are you for real going to choose a reality where child pedos have not been arrested and tried in all these countries and law enforcements?

That is your choice to make, but I'm going to a far better reality than the one you believe in.

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Um...You must have mistaken me for another person. You are absolutely not making sense to me.

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You've been talking to the same person for awhile now. The confusion is due to the veil, preventing me from spoiling the story plot.

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Destroying the entire LDS religion by connecting Joseph Smith to the dead Angel Moroni, who gave him the plates and vision, is perhaps ironic but if that is how LDS Utah wants to go, I am fine with it.

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